Saturday of suspense: The treasure of the old house of the Ponce neighborhood (Original Work)


The story I chose to tell this Saturday of suspense, is a true fact, it happened many years ago in an old house in which we live, this situation was lived by my sister and my mother.

When I was 8 years old my mother separated from my father, a very bad time in my country, although my mother worked, what she earned was not enough to pay a rent in the neighborhood where we lived.

Our budget only allowed us to move to a neighborhood removed from all civilization, a place forgotten in time, there was no electricity network, no drinking water, it was like living in prehistory, even so we got used to it.

During the day, living in the neighborhood was a great adventure, at nightfall it became dark, in the streets there was no electric lighting, we depended on the light of the moon, the cloudy days it was impossible to walk through the place, the darkness was immense, we tried to do all the shopping before nightfall, the suggestion of the neighbors was that we did not walk through the streets once night fell.

The villagers were very superstitious, they told many stories of the place, we with my mother doubted everything the neighbors said, however with the passing of days, little by little we began to believe in urban legends.

We began to live with fear of the darkness and to behave as the neighbors did, we tried to do all things before it got dark, once the night came we locked ourselves in my house and did not go out until dawn, that's how we lived for many years.

Time passed, Mom returned to have a new partner with whom she had three children, before turning 14 years old, I decided to live alone, I went to live in Buenos Aires, every year I returned in the holidays to my home from that old neighborhood.

Neither the passage of time changed the superstitions of the people, the neighborhood remained the same, apparently progress was going around the corner, it never stopped in this neighborhood, a place with a lot of history, before being urbanized the place was only alleys of sands , bloody battles had been fought in these fields, the whole place was bathed in blood when Corrientes participated in the war of the triple alliance.

At nightfall it was clearly heard, as horses ran from one side to the other, clashes of swords, rifle shots, heartrending cries and cries of people who were wounded in combat, there are those who comment, walked at night through the streets of the neighborhood. seen passing soldiers of the time with their horses, others claim to have seen bloody people lying on the sidewalks, several people from the neighborhood have provided different testimonies, all agree that they are people and characters of the time, manifestations of soul in pain of people who have obtained the death in a tragic death.

Families that have used these alleys to flee the wars, traveled in carts carrying their valuables, vessels or utensils of gold and silver, many of them were intercepted by villains who have ended their lives to steal their valuables.

The elders told stories of burials of valuables, families walked in their carts full of valuable objects, before the proximity of the survivors buried their golden belongings on the side of the road, with the intention of returning for them, many ended up dead and your objects forgotten in time.

Years went by, my mother's partner died of her illness, one day the cancer woke up and consumed her body. Being alive told the story of the old house, his parents suspected that inside the property there was a large gold burial, coming from those families in time of wars.

After several years my mother dreamed of her partner, in his dream he had come to visit her, commented that where he lived he met a family, who claimed to be the owners of the treasure buried in my house, I even accompanied my mother and showed the place Exactly where the treasure was buried.

The dream was very real, when my mother woke up I was confused, I did not know if it was a dream or a reality, this dream was going around in her head for several days, until she decided to comment with a person who had a device to detect metals.

The man listened very attentively to my mother's dream, he knew the stories of the place, he even helped a neighbor to remove a wooden crate buried in his property that contained jars, cutlery and utensils all bathed in gold.

Certainly there would be some reason, this person was a very humble person in the neighborhood, at a time slowly began to show their progress, all attributed to a collection of an inheritance left by his mother, the issue is that in a few years it became the The wealthiest person in the town, with the man's confession looking for burials, there was an explanation for the well-being of man.

All this happened while I lived in Buenos Aires far from my home, my brothers were small, my sister who was the oldest of the three was only twelve years old, the other two were just children, mama talked to this man and they were agreement to find and take out the treasure, they had agreed that they would be divided equally, the costs of the operation would be borne by the man.

Once the arrangements were made and the day was set, they went to work, in the extraction my mother, my sister, the man who had the metal detector and two people who would be in charge of making the deposit to extract the burial participated.

The man had a lot of experience in extracting treasures, before beginning to speak with all those present, I anticipate that they would see many bad things that were not real, he said that the burials have owners and if the owners do not want their objects to be extracted, they would do thing to deliver your belongings.

At nightfall and in the middle of the darkness, with much silence they began digging in the place where my mother's partner showed in sleep, coincidentally it was the same place where the metal detector indicated presence.

The two people in charge of the well began digging, after a few shoves a gas began to come out from under the earth, it was a strange smell like verdigris, the man who had participated in several events knew that smell very well, it was a sign that all was well, the people who made the well also knew this smell, they were sure that there was a burial, they took several more strokes and stopped to renegotiate the price of their work with the man who had hired them, now they wanted a part of what would come out of the well, after several minutes of discussing they agreed.

My sister tells us that this situation was very unpleasant, she was very afraid of what these people could do when taking the gold, she sensed that they would kill them all once the gold was in her power, but she saw my mother calm and decided she had confidence in her intuition.

When resuming the extraction work all change, the earth became very hard, it was impossible to continue digging, it is as if it were material, even so the greedy people continued with the hard work.

At one point many ants began to emerge, they were larger than normal, the more experienced man asked my mother to bring boiling water to persuade the ants, they did so and the ants disappeared as they came, after the well began to leave many spiders, also persuaded them with hot water.

The people continued with the excavation, not to desist, from the well began to leave hundreds of small vipers, the man of more experience commented in you high that the owner no longer wanted to deliver the treasure, there were among them ill-intentioned people and for this reason no delivery would be made.

My sister says she cried with fear, mama tried to calm her down by saying that everything she saw was not real, only visions to make them stop and not take what was on earth, the things that my sister has seen that night is irreproducible, Terror invaded her body, dying of fear and crying asked my mother to leave everything in place.

The fear invaded both, my mother and my sister left the place, after a few minutes the three men left scared of the place, the next morning and after dawn my mother went to the place, she found the two shovels thrown in the floor and the bags of these people, apparently the fear was such that they did not even stop to pick up their things.

On another occasion they tried again, this time it was more dark than the first time, my sister no longer participated, it was only my mother, she tells that I cry with fear, the panic invaded her body and that of the present, to the point that they had to desist, since that time the subject was never discussed again.

Soon my mother moved out of the place, on some occasions I walked by day in front of our house, the house is abandoned, the passage of time and the abandonment made it a tapera, some years ago we tried to rent but the tenants did not last long, they all fled from the place, for this reason never again rent.

In almost fifty years I never had an equal experience, I do not believe in these things, however I must admit that my mother and my sister would never lie with something like that, as the popular saying goes.

                        !" There are, there are"!

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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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