Light The World Day 5

Today's inspiration on how to #lighttheworld reminds us to appreciate our parents and those who raised us.

My boy's father has not been in our lives in any way since they were small, so I have been a completely single mother for a very long time.

My boys are really big on Mother's Day, and make a huge celebration of it. They make me stay in bed and cook a lavish breakfast, brew coffee and freshly juice oranges. Sometimes they will pick a few wildflowers for a vase, but recently my youngest has insisted on purchasing a long stemmed rose.

After breakfast, they tell me to take a long bath and watch movies, and my oldest son will take his brothers to the park to play basketball so I have some quiet for a few hours. But not before severely warning me that I had better not touch a dish or a broom- I am not allowed to do any chores on this day.

One of my favorite Mother's Days was after I was attacked by a stalker and suffered a couple dozen broken bones. I was in a wheelchair and crutches, and having a very hard time caring for my children who were toddlers and in grade school at the time.

They were young, and the breakfast celebration had not sttarted yet. I was not expecting anything for Mother's Day. But they did wake me up that morning with beautiful crafts they had made in school. After breakfast they asked if we could go to the park.

I gave them a couple dollars each for the ice cream truck as usual, and I read a book while they played at the vast neighboorhood park. After a while they came running to our van, breathless and stumbling over their words.

They were super excited to show me something!

They had me close my eyes and put out my hands. I was used to this so I did. They slipped a ring on my pinkie finger and told me to open my eyes.

They had planned the whole thing out! With the saved the ice cream money I gave them each weekend for several weeks, they had snuck to the pawn shop down the block and gifted me with a ring with a tiny ruby heart!

I do not take this ring off. Ever.

My other favorite Mothers Day came a month after the actual day in May a couple of years ago.

My boys woke me up on the third Sunday in June with breakfast in bed and a card, and told me Happy Father's Day. Since I did both jobs I deserved to celebrate on this day as well.

My boys are amazing <3

Ways to let your parents and those who raised you know you appreciate them:

  • Call them! They want nothing more than to talk with you. They miss you, you were kindof the centerpiece of their lives for many years, and just talking with you and spending time with you brightens their day.

  • Send them a birthday card on your birthday. Hey, they did a lot on that day, every year!

  • Ask them about what is was like to raise you- the good and the bad! They will remember things you have forgotten, and probably would not have remembered on your own!

  • Ask for their help in making a family tree, and learn a little bit of history about your recent ancestors.

  • Include them. Sometimes parents feel as if they are interfering in your grown up life. Every once in a while let them :)

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