Limerick Contest Week One. Ned. The Winners and Grinners.


Starting a new Contest at the start of a 30 Day Rewards Pool fill is a bit like trying to start a new liquor sales outlet in Salt Lake City. So one might think!

I am pleased to say that the good Limerickers of Steemia ignored such trivialities and have joined the frivolities with much mirth and merriment.

Please visit the #limerickcontest channel and join in the fun.

Many thanks to @gardenlady for the provision of this week’s word ‘Ned’ – I think you inspired a few classics along the way. I hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I did!

In recognition of all the stalwarts who have a sense of fun:

SteemTrail and ebryans did start
A new contest that got blown apart
The Rewards Pool is Dead
So write rhymes about Ned
Thank goodness these Steemers have heart!


Image: Pixabay

The Winners of Week One


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Third Place receives 100 TRAIL and 4 STEEM

Ned by @whatageek

She asked for advice from @ned
on how to invest all her bread,
He said "to be wise,
If you want steam to rise.
Just come spend a day in my bed."

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Second Place receives 200 TRAIL and 6 STEEM

Ned by @aubreyfox

If I was a man called Ned
I'd change my name to Ted
I don't know why
Just something I'd try
I may even call myself Ed

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First Place 1st place receives 400 TRAIL and 10 STEEM

The Lay of Ned and Winifred by @caweyant

At lunch, Winifred said to Ned,
"I'll only give head when we're wed."
So he jumped to his feet,
Found a priest on the street—
And they held the reception in bed.


Image: Pixabay

I look forward very much to the word of next week’s contest which will be announced tomorrow, our guest wordsmith being @jacobtothe

The support of SteemTrail is a constant; huge thanks, guys. We hope that many more will be inspired to join this little jaunt into verse which expects nothing more than a sense of fun!

The winning Limericks will be published on Social Media Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.


If you have not already done so, head over to the SteemTrail Discord server and check out what they’re up to.

You will need an Open Ledger Account which is free. Simply click the Trail Coin and follow the instructions. For a Streemian Account, click the Streemian logo.


Thank you from your Limerick Contest organiser, please follow, upvote, resteem, generally be terribly nice to @ebryans


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