Bitcoin $2500 ----Litecoin Severely Undervalued? ----My Analysis


BITCOIN IS ON MASSIVE BULL RUN... Volume is coming in from China, after being down graded by Moodys.

But its too expensive to buy for the regular guy. Let's take a look at another alternative coin which is severely undervalued.

Im talking about, Litecoin.

Lets do some simple math and fundamental comparisons.

Now, I know there is a difference in circulating supply and so forth, but lets use these cryptocurrencies limited supply limits for a comparison.

Limited Supply:
Bitcoin Supply - 21,000,000 BTC
Litecoin Supply - 84,000,000 LTC

Litecoin has 4x more coins than bitcoin. Same protocol, same type of algorithm that is heavily encrypted, only difference, supply limits. Lets not also forget Litecoin activated SegWit (faster transaction speeds and confirmation times) just last month.

Bitcoins current Price : $2500
Litecoins current Price: $33.00

Bitcoin Market Cap: $41,928,594,000
Litecoin Market Cap: $$1,673,465,512

See the major disparity? If you take bitcoins current price and divide it by 4, Litecoin should be worth $625.
But lets use the most conservative math. If you were to take Litecoins' Current Price and multiply it by 4 you'll get an evaluation of $132. Which would bring its Market Cap to $7,128,000,000 Billion. Still this would be under Bitcoins' market cap and Ethereum.

Now if your an investor, it doesn't take much brain power to ask yourself, if I want to make an investment and let say my goal is to double my money, which coin has the better potential to double my money? In order for Bitcoin to double my investment, it would have to go up another $2,500 vs if I were to invest into Litecoins', it only has to go up another $33.00. Which can happen faster?........ This is self explanatory.


Litecoin has a strong development team, working on numerous projects. Has been the first coin in the space to really implement real change into a blockchain. I'm referring to when Litecoin activated SegWit just last month, it was a success! This has allowed Litecoin to be scalable to the masses and give users faster transaction speeds/confirmation time. It has also allowed room for it to add unique features such as privacy and the lightning network. Now today, we learned Bitcoin is following suit, which may take 6 months to fully implement. The Bitcoin community has been in a battle for quite some time to figure out in which direction it wants to go. Whether they want to stick with Bitcoin Core, move to Bitcoin Unlimited, or SegWit. It looks like SegWit has won that battle. This would be a soft fork, not a hard fork, of the existing blockchain.

Litecoin has also been referred to as the Silver to Bitcoins Gold Standard. -----To conclude. Based on the fundamentals, the bold actions taken by the Litecoin Dev Team, SegWit Activation, Future Implementation of the Lightning Network, and its severely undervalued price, I strongly believe that Litecoin will be catching up and may very well even pop and go parabolic as the smart money tries to find the next undervalued investment.


Everything in this article is not investment advice. This is solely my opinion. I currently do own a position in Litecoin at $30.00 as I rolled over my profits into something that I feel, in my opinion, is undervalued. Please due your own due diligence before making an investment. Investing does involve risk and/or loss of capital with potential of great rewards. Please invest on your own due diligence.

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