The Quest to Olympus: Halted. Romans vs Greeks

A few weeks ago, I was talking to my sister @erangvee about my current reading list.

My reading list at the moment:

The Heroes of Olympus Series!

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She blurted in laughter and said, "Oh, very young adult!" . Yeah, yeah! Like I am supposed to JUST read adult fiction and current events? Of course not.

Heck, I care.

I thought it is a very easy-go-lucky read and can really help me de-stress...

I am wrong apparently.

Halfway into the Third Book - The Mark of Athena , I realized (too late) how poor my knowledge on Greek and Roman mythology is.
I hope my high school English teacher will never find this out. Though it was very interesting, I really find it hard to differentiate which god is from which - Roman or Greek.

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The Heroes of Olympus is a pentalogy of adventure, mythological fiction and fantasy novels by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel series to the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. This series details a conflict between Greek and Roman demigods and Gaea, the earth goddess. Riordan introduces Roman mythology into his sequel series as well as several new characters. The first book of the series, The Lost Hero, was published on October 12, 2010. The final entry in the series, The Blood of Olympus, was published on October 7, 2014. (credits - Wikipedia

So now I deem it necessary to dig on a little bit on the Greek and Roman gods so as to make my reading a little "lighter".

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I will leave it to that for now... hopefully I will be able to continue with my "quest" with less complications.

May the force of the STEEM be always in our favor....

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