Modern Day Bukowski Introduction

Alright folks, time to make an appearence on Steemit. I have an amibitious plan to start writing down my drinking experiences/stories and ramble about life a little, but before we get into drinking stories you should know a little about my stats and whether you believe these, is completely up to you, I don't care. I'm a simple man by nature, I like women and I like to drink, but to be honest I like to drink tad bit more.

Introducing... Modern Day Bukowski, but unlike Bukowski I can barely even type and I'm young, I'm real young you see, I'm just turning 24, but unlike other teenagers I don't call partying every friday alcoholism, what I'm talking about here is some real dedication. Dedication into total havoc and self-destruction. So without further a do my statistics:
4x High school drop-out
1x Convicted felon, did 8 months
1x Ex-military, served 11 months
1x Security guard of 2 years

As you can see I got some experience in this life, while other folks were grinding in school I was grinding on the streets, but nothing fancy like stealing cars or selling drugs, more like drinking on a park bench in middle of the day, for 6 consecutive days. I have 2-3 friends of similar destiny, I'm from Eastern Europe and been unemployed for 4 months now. Enjoying that poverty, but not qualifying for the local equivalent of welfare. While I'm literally centless might put that time into writing some of my storied down in Steemit, till I still remember the few memories that I do have.

But unlike our poor, triggered society nowadays I am a drunk without a reason, my parents were not addicts or violent, I wasn't abused or bullied in school. I lived a normal kid life, except for the little fact that I started drinking at the age of 12. By 14 I was full-blown alcoholic and by 16 I was barely attending school, so when I dropped out of my first High school I realized... actually nah, let's start our first story in the next Steemit release with that on.

This serves as an introductional post for Modern Day Bukowski so if you have any questions write these down and I might answer to them.. or I might not.

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