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Ten Photos That Will Make You Wonder Why Have You Never Visited Lithuania

Lithuania is known as the geographical center of Europe. The country is a network link for travelers, tying together three major markets — The Commonwealth of Independent States, Western Europe, and the Baltic Sea region. The country is one of the most attractive countries for business development in the EU. The southernmost of the three Baltic countries, which includes Latvia and Estonia, definitely deserves exploring. Here are 10 images that will make you wonder why you have never travelled to Lithuania.

1. Autumn on Lake Bijote in Kurtuvėnai Regional Park

autumn on the lake

2. Sunset over rural farmland

rural sunset

3. Vilnius in Autumn

vilnius autumn

4. Lithuanian Wildflower Meadow

wildflower meadow

5. Lone fisher man enjoying silence

lake fisherman

6. Neris River in Vilnius

neris river

7. Aurora Borealis over Lithuanian Coast

lithuanian cost aurora borealis

8. Riverside in Dzūkija

dzukija riverside

9. Trakai Castle

trakai castle

10. Gediminas Avenue in Vilnius

gediminas avenue

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