Live Sustainably "Don't Buy It" Challenge

This is my response to @livesustainably's "Don't Buy It" challenge. The best idea and the most rewarding thing I could think of, regarding sustainability, has been living without a cloths dryer.
This is my cloths line. We acquired 2 telephone poles for free, and for about $30 worth of line, reels, and pins, I have a 100% efficient, zero emissions, clothes dryer. I use it about 8 months out of the year. Yes it is -30 here in Saskatchewan today so, that brings me tooo....
My indoor dryer that I use when it is absolutely too bitterly cold to go outside (yeah I don't know why people inhabit this place either...) This amazing tool costed about $50. I probably could have been more thrifty and built a wooden one, but when you consider that this saves buying an $800 machine that runs on electricity, I did ok.
Also pictured above are the cloth diapers that I've used on both my children. My 18 month old is almost ready to start using her potty applause👏 Oh the excitement. Nothing has been more gratifying than knowing that I don't have to throw out a bag of non biodegradable diapers everyday, that will never break down. The cloths line does a wonderful job of eradicating any unpleasant odors, as well as bleaching them pearly white in the sun again every time they hang.
Thank you for this challenge!

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