Here's some of my pinhole photos of London. I like the way a pinhole camera produces soft images with lots of colour and light diffraction. The long exposures have some interesting effects.
The houses of parliament and Westminster bridge. I used a cake tin to take this one, with photographic paper.
This was taken with the camera on the ground. As the pinhole is so tiny, everything looks the same sharpness, it doesn't matter how near or far it is from the camera.
This is Soho Square. The light diffraction is interesting.
Trafalgar Square, the fountain water blurs as the exposure was around 2 seconds.
Another view of Trafalgar Square
This view from the South bank of the Thames was taken with a 35mm film camera with a bodycap pinhole lens that I made.
Marble Arch, taken with a cake tin.
People walking along Oxford Street.
Colourful red telephone boxes.
The pinhole camera produces great saturated colours.
This sphinx is on the north bank of the river Thames, beside Cleopatra's Needle.
This is an unusual photo of Westminter Abbey. I had the camera on a tripod but it moved during the exposure.
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