I Need Your Help With * Looking For Niche * + Bounty-and-Work Channel on Discord

Today I have some new things to announce! First of all, I am adding a bounty and work channel to the Discord server, where people can ask for help or provide their service/assistance to others.

In short, I will be looking to reward people who help Looking For Niche grow.
Why? Because the more Looking For Niche grows, the easier it gets to find people interested in the same things you are. In other words, the more people use the LFN service, the more likely you are to stumble upon someone, interested in your specific niche!

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The bounty and work channel

You go to the bounty-and-work channel on the Looking For Niche Discord server. In there, you post your proposal for work you need done, or want to offer. In a separate post, I will announce some of the first work, that could get you rewarded and benefit Looking For Niche. Meanwhile, feel free to propose services for me or others in the community.

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Community helpers

There is only so much I can do myself. Therefore, I am looking for people, who can help me keep things running. I am looking for those who can see the potential for the LFN project. To be a part of the team, you need to be active in the community as well. Feel free to reach out to me, if you want to be one of the team-members described here:

- Help with the LFN tool

  • I need some of you, to help people get started with the LFN tool. We are constantly growing. Today, we reached 250 members, and I am sure, we will be many more soon!

- Community Scouter

  • I also need people, who can scout for, and maybe even promote, cool communities and projects, that Looking For Niche could help support. The scouters might be a dedicated role. It all depends on how much time, everything will consume.

- Community Moderator

  • As we get bigger, the need for moderation rises. I will be looking for chat moderators, who can help clean things up every now and then when needed. Luckily, everyone have been nice, so there have not been much moderation needed, but I know this will be needed soon. Be an active part of the community, and reach out to me, if you feel like, you can contribute here. Know that I only give moderation powers to people I have known for a while and trust.

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Thanks for reading! If you would like to join Looking For Niche on Discord, simply click the image below!

Completely new to Looking For Niche?

You can check this guide on how the WhaleBoT and Looking For Niche works:

WhaleBoT - How To Use It And What It Can Do For You (July 2017)

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