Looking For Niche Bounty (Write A Post About Which Niches You Search For In Looking For Niche)


I am announcing the first Bounty for Looking For Niche!

Write a post about Looking For Niche, which niches you look for through the WhaleBoT / LFN Tool and how people can join. (Must be posted before August 25th, 2017 at 00:01 CEST!)

What you have to do:

Step 1

Step 2

  • Write a post about Looking For Niche. Tell people what the community is about and how they can use the Looking For Niche Tool.

  • Tell people which niches you search for through LFN, and how they can find you and others in that niche with the tool. (You can for example tell them to join Whalebot LFN Comicbooks if you like Comic Books).

  • Link people the Discord. You can invite them with this link:

  • Use the tag #lookingforniche when posting.

Step 3

  • When you are done, link your post in the comments below and write your BitShares Account name in the comment.

I will give away 75 LFNCOIN to everyone who writes a post meeting the criteria above. (Deadline: before August 25th, 2017!)

LFNCOIN can be used for a 100 % upvote for me (this will be adjusted in the future). It is a token intended to help niches grow. Over time, it is given to niche communities participating in the Looking For Niche "Community Hub".

Read more about LFNCOIN upvotes here:

LFNCOIN for LFN Community Upvotes!

Also check above link, if you need to know how to create a BitShares Account.

If you do not know how to use the LFN tool in WhaleBoT, you can read this "How To":

WhaleBoT - How To Use It And What It Can Do For You (July 2017)

I hope you all like the idea of LFN Bounties. Get yourself some LFNCOIN and help get more eyes on Looking For Niche at the same time!

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