That Kind of Love, a poem

To the one I entrusted with my heart,
I had dreamed that we would never part.
I never thought that we would come to this day,
I used to wish that we wouldn't end up this way.

But I guess its all we ever say,
then our hearts are broken come one day.
Maybe because we all want too much,
then think, love everlasting? there's isn't a thing as such.

We give so much and get so little,
when we think this way, love's so brittle.
For when we give, we seek for more in return,
its never enough and we never seem to learn.

A kind of love that's never contented,
that's the kind of love that's often threatened.
But funny how that's the kind of love we often keep,
a love in our hearts that runs so deep.

This love at first seems so sweet,
a glimpse of him is such a treat.
But such isn't the reality of how we feel,
because so much more is what we want for real.

The greed of this love just couldn't be sated,
and soon enough comes all the hatred.
I'm lonely, I'm jealous, and I hate you,
comes all these thoughts and feelings so blue.

Confused and lost, we start to get tired.
We start to doubt what we once desired.
And so feelings of love then start to fade,
to that love so strong, goodbye we bade.

On a million questions we start to ponder,
what happened to us, we begin to wonder.
The sweetest memories we had are now lost,
the only thing left is a broken promise to hold on, whatever the cost.

The definition of bitter is what we become,
we would always feel so horribly lonesome.
For the yesterday that's lost, we would yearn,
it seems from our mistakes we will never learn.

To move on from the shattered past we just couldn't do,
the agony, the pain, and the confusion wouldn't disappear, too.
So instead of mending that broken heart and healing wounds of the past,
the shards of bitter sweet memories in our hearts would forever last.

What we miss only leaves us frustrated,
we couldn't make out whether we loved or hated.
Even when we had the choice to move on,
we still choose to hurt and to that love we still hold on.

This is the kind of love we hang on to,
and one we're never sure of if it's true.

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