Meant to Be


The blanket was always left in a big heap after she was done. My father liked that about her. It drove me crazy, but he said it was good for me that she didn’t spoil me. Hell, he told me I was lucky that she did the laundry for me at all, seeings how I was such a dumbass not to have married her already.

My dad really didn’t think I was all that bright. After all, Sharon and I had been dating for almost two years and she was perfection incarnate. She was so damn intelligent, we could talk about anything. She was funny as hell, could drink me under the table or have fun just doing random shit like going for a walk in the mountains or doing cosplay bullshit with me and actually have FUN doing it. She was sexy as hell, I mean totally gorgeous, a body that wouldn’t quit and she was great in bed. This woman just oozed life and made everything more fun.

Wow, now that I write it out like that, my dad was right. I was a dumbass. Why hadn’t I asked her to marry me yet?

If I’m perfectly honest, I suppose it’s because I’m scared. Yeah, I said it, I’m scared. Terrified, I think, that I’m not good enough for her. I would be devoted to her until the day I died, but next to her, I felt like I was a little underwhelming. I was a bit of a nerd, I had a decent job, but nothing fantastic. I was probably a little too quiet next to her vivacious self and I definitely don’t have the same level of life skills that she has.

Still, my father had been nagging me lately, telling me that it was time to ‘shit or get off the pot’ and I knew he was right. I needed to ask the question.

He was planning a pet movie contest and had this bizarre idea that I should use the awards night to propose.

He actually suggested that I use my dog to make a movie proposal and show it to her as my entry into the pet movie contest. How lame, right?

Well, it was all I had. Sharon loved my dog. Loved him. I have to admit, he was pretty loveable, so it made sense, but Sharon and Duke seemed to have their own language. Hell, I was beginning to think that Duke liked her more than me.

Anyway, I took my dad’s advice. He’d never steered me wrong. I took Duke downtown and we made a movie. I had him walking around town, like we always did, but this time I filmed every interaction. As always, the women loved him. He would let them pet him, give him treats, what have you, but he always came back to me. He never wanted to have anything to do with them after a few seconds because he grew easily bored. It was perfect. I filmed all day, throughout the city. Duke meeting woman after woman, getting pets and treats, but always turning back to the camera like he was saying, “Nah, that’s not it… let’s go” and we did.

I filmed right up until we got back to our house, where he ran up to Sharon and fell over himself with happiness. He didn’t look back at me or the camera once, just rolled all over her, kissing her face and obviously feeling at home. He continued in this way until he discovered that he could not doubt one thing, Sharon was the one for us. No doubts about that. Even Duke knew it. He settled down with this new realization and curled up in her lap to sleep, obviously feeling totally at home.

I smiled. I had all the footage I needed. This was going to be absolute perfection. I couldn’t believe how well everything had come together. Now I just needed to keep Sharon out of the house for the weekend so that I could edit everything together and do my voiceover.

I slaved over the computer for two days, compiling clips and doing the voiceover. Finally it was time for the awards show. My father always did things up right. There was a red carpet for the night, the best movies chosen would be shown to the crowd. This was such a big fund raiser taht everyone in town was there.

I’d made sure that Sharon’s parents and best friend were there with seats right near the front row.

My movie played last. The scene came up, with a dirty street from the city and there was Duke, walking along like life was just grand… meeting women after woman while my voiceover played.

“I always thought that our life was grand,
That we didn’t need anything more.
That meeting woman after woman was just fine with us.
Getting treats, getting pets, having fun was all that life was about.

I loved the smiles we got, I loved our days and nights.
I loved the walks we took every day.
I really thought that our life was perfect.”

I showed Duke walking along the city streets, through the parks and through fields and running in the woods. I showed him happily splashing in mud, playing with other dogs and then coming home, to her.

The love of my life.

This part was in slow motion, Duke walking up the sidewalk towards her.

“Then we met her.
This one was special, we could tell.
After we met her, life was better than we ever thought it could be.
We decided that she needed to be in our lives forever.”

I showed the scene with Duke giving her kisses and climbing into her lap.

“This was the one for us.
This was home.
We loved this human more than any of the others.
Now, how can get her to stay with us forever?”

Super corny? Maybe. It was perfect for us, though.

I got down on one knee in front of her, Duke sitting beside me. I met her eyes and saw that they were full of happy tears. Taking the ring off of Duke’s collar, I asked, “So, will you be our family? Will you marry me?”

She leaped off the chair and threw her arms around my neck, “Yes!”

Our family was complete. Duke joined in the hug with his happy yelps and slobbery dog kisses.

This is for the weekend freewrite challenge by @mariannewest

There is a contest starting tomorrow that requires doing a daily freewrite. Now that things are easing up at work, I'm considering doing it and challenging myself to write a short erotica style freewrite every day for 50 days. It requires putting up a selfie every day, but I'll have to figure out how to be creative with it, because I don't want to show my face.

Also, forgot to add the Photo Source: Pixabay

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