Children Don't Listen to Us; They Observe Us πŸ’–πŸ’–

This post is dedicated to all the Children around the globe with Lots of Love and Happiness to them.

I have always observed how small children pick up on imitating their parents; whether it is good or bad. It is beyond their capacity to understand all of that and differentiate. They only look at their parents and try to copy and be them. Hence it is so much important to create the very right atmosphere for them.

Parenthood I believe is the toughest job of all. Every single moment you need to be on your toes as to what you are doing, speaking, acting in front of your child, because our Children learn exactly what they see us doing. As it is so rightly said "Action speaks louder than Words". If they see their parents all the time on mobile phones which is so much of a fashion then they would want to do the same, if they see parents behaving rudely with their elders or if their parents throwing around their weight and tantrums, they would observe all of this and learn to do similar actions.

One of my friend's son who is still a toddler just a year and a half I see him imitating almost everything that we do, and that would also go to an extent that if he would watch anything on Television he would try to do the same things. And I realize it is so important that we are mindful about not only about our own behaviors at home but also what other things that takes their attention.


Creating the right atmosphere for Children
The most important thing for a Parent is to create a Loving, peaceful atmosphere at home. If there is an atmosphere of fear, anger, fights at home it will impact the child. The Child is going to pick that up and learn that and it will become a part of his or her character. A lot of childhood blocks can go lifelong with children hampering their lives when they grow up. Children can turn out to be criminals if the right atmosphere is not set at home. Abusive parents cant be devastating for children. I have also seen parents who may not do any wrong actions in front of children like fighting in front of them but they show a behavior of indifference with their partners in front of children, even such behavior can impact children. Parents need to ensure that all their arguments, differences at home should be resolved when their children are not around, but when Children are at home there should be peace, love and harmony.

Parents self-assessment
It's very important as a parent to keep reflecting on your own behavior as to see; are they doing the right things in front of their child. The way they talk. behave, their habits in their presence is something that a parent needs to be very mindful about. It is ok to sit and confront with yourself in those little reflective moments about what is not right with them. No one is perfect, everyone has their weak side but the best is to confront, work on it and not let it impact the children.

Understanding Children and their wants
We as parents sometimes feel that we know what's best for our child and we want to do all of that for them, but then there are times when our children want to have an other way around. It is equally important to understand what is it that they desire for and what are their wants. All children are different and all of them have different ways and means to approach them, understanding their limits, their capacities and then reaching out to them with compassion will sow in seeds of love and understanding in them also.

"Each day of our lives we make Deposits in the Memory Banks of our Children"
"Charles R Swindoll"

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