Do you belive in destiny ? Is HE the Only One ?

 Do you believe in fate? The assertion that each person has a "soul mate" predestined? If you believe that the ideal person is waiting for you there somewhere, how can you be sure that the man with you is the Chosen One? 

We often consult with friends and people who know each other very well, whether they approve of our partner and what their opinion is. For example, these days I am ask my sons, my mother , my sister ... From these converastaions  I came to two questions :

Do you love this person? 

In this case, it is not a question of whether this person attracts you sexually, whether he is beautiful or make you laughs . It's not about whether it's interesting to be with him. It is important to ask if you are willing to share your life with this man - whether you are willing to share your last meal with him , if you imagine 20 yesrs after ...My answer is yes , i gladly will do all this . True love means being able to share, to indulge , to give because you want ...

The other question is -

Is my life better, thanks to this relationship?

 I just close my eyes and imagine what my life would be without you. How will I feel if the relationship is terminated.... I put aside the momentary emotions, the fear of staying alone ( i was long time alone ) and the sense of affection. I ask myself what my life would look like without this YOU .The answer is my life will be just gray, maybe i can life like this but why ? You make my world colorful and you make ME a better person !

I answer honestly to these two questions, so yes i belive YOU are my soul mate. You are the person whom makes me feel good, smile and gives me  security. I can not imagine what you would do without you  - finaly in my life i have discovered MY  soul mate.I LOVE YOU !


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                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


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