To the One I haven’t Met Yet

I like to believe that all of us are destined to meet a certain person in our life that will make us believe that love is indeed the most beautiful and precious thing that could ever happen. Someone who will give you this one of kind feeling and the person who will show you that loving isn’t hard for it will come naturally and smoothly just because he is the right one.


When I was young I used to imagine how my love story would be like. In fact, I always wanted that” fairy tale” type of love story where I would meet this handsome prince riding on a white horse, get dressed on a ball, get married and finally lived happily ever after with him. It’s a bit cliché but who doesn’t want that?


But life turned my sweet dream into a nightmare!

I was hurt in the past because of loving too much and giving too much to the wrong person. I even blamed Disney channel for giving me false hopes and making me believe that love is always beautiful and always ends with happily ever after wherein reality loving could be the most painful way of self-destruction. But despite all the betrayals, lies and tears I shed up in the past, here I am still writing this article in the hope that in this colossal world there is someone I haven’t met who can break the walls I built. And that he will NOT ONLY sweep me off my feet but will also catch me when I fall.

To my future significant other…
Whoever you may be, I hope you are patient enough to get to know me for it will take a lot of efforts and time before I will open my heart to you. I also hope that you are like a prince not necessarily in looks but in the way you act and speak. I hope you will treat me with great respect and would always listen to my endless rants and stories. I also pray that you are loving, gentle and kind not only to me and to the people I love but also to all the people around you and I promise to love you even more. You should also have dreams and goals in life and rest assured that I will always be by your side to support you and help you in achieving them. I also ask you to be faithful to me because you are the last man I will ever love.You should also know that I'm very independent and strong but I will let you protect me because my life is yours to keep. But despite all these, you don’t have to worry about being perfect because I am aware of your shortcomings and weaknesses and still thinks you are amazing! I also know that you are strong and smart because I will be submissive to you which means I am also entrusting my future in your hands. And lastly I pray that you are God- loving and God- fearing because I want Jehovah to be the center of our relationship and I know that our love story will be better than any other fairy tales I ever watched or read because ours will be real and will never come to an end.


I don’t know where in the world exactly you are right now and what you’re doing while I’m writing this but know that I am trying my best to become an amazing woman so that I’ll be deserving of you. I will keep on missing you every day but I know that my longing won’t take forever because you will definitely come. And when that day comes I will make sure that none of us will feel lost nor alone because we already have each other.


** For now my love,I understand that you should go find yourself first so that you can also find me. I’ll be waiting.**

Photos are mine

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