Love Friday - Thankful heart ❀️

Happy Friday my Amazing friends πŸ’•πŸ€—πŸ’•

Finally Friday and I haven't done this Love Friday by @juliank in a long time so I thought I would do one today!

First my submission to the great challanges #dailypetphotography by @kona and #dogsofsteemit by @supernovastaffy

My beautiful Bobby 🐢

I'm thankful to have this little guy in my life, and he is my greatest companion and My Joy!

Look how cute I am... Ya I'm VERY aware of it to

He has many funny ideas and always makes me smile 😊

My favorite squeeky toy Monkey Ass

He loves laying behind you leaning on your shoulder and squeek in your ear... Especially if you watch a movie and he wants my attention!

I love sleeping on soft toys like this big dog

He also have the habit of putting all his toys around his bowl and even in it, making it hard to reach the food.... Lol

"Now how do I solve this?"

Mommy!!! Help me 🐢


And I always do as he knows I can't resist that cute face and his puppy sounds... I cave everytime πŸ™ˆ I'm so weak!

But who can blame me.... Look at that face and cute nose... Like a button!

Talking about me again?

He is my Big Love and Joy πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ’–
Can't imagine life without animals!


My amazing Family πŸ’•

I'm thankful for the amazing people in my life, and my family is my biggest blessing!

My grandmother on my mother's side, passed a few years ago and was an amazing woman.
Im thankful that I had her in my life and I learned much from her and her huge

My grandmother on my dad's side is the strongest woman and such a fresh air. She is now over 90 years old and still hard to be still.
She used to go to homes with older people and keep them company and take them for a walk. Most of them younger than herself 😊
That is just the sweetest thing!

My parents has the hugest heart and always ready to reach out to those in need.
Im thankful for the way they raised me, to focus on the blessings instead of what's lacking.
That there are people less fortunate and that reaching out a hand or just give a smile can make a huge difference!
We were foster family at times and as my mom worked at salvation army we learned a lot there to.
Had Christmas dinner with homeless people and heard their stories.
If I can be half as amazing as my parents, I know I'm pretty good πŸ˜‰ lol

My sister and brother are my best friends and such amazing people.
My Sister : Mother to 5 wonder boys that I've been blessed to babysit alot. She works with older people and are a nurse.
She has been going through more things in her life than most and to stay positive and has such spirit in all of this mess just is extraordinary.
She is the best!
My brother : Just became a father and he was so excited that he almost bought everything before most do... Lol
He is the one that knows me the most and the one who I spended most time with growing up. We had much in common and had common friends. Nothing I can't say to him.
He is crazy ambitious and travels alot in his job.
Amazing humble man


Mother Nature!

I'm thankful for the amazing mother nature, best artist there is and constantly changing!

The beach and beautiful ocean such amazing wiew

Beautiful sky and sunsets!
Such peaceful feeling and another thing I'm grateful for!


And wiews like this takes my breath away!
How can I not feel lucky and thankful when I get to experience this?


And my favorite tree "Nap tree " in the garden!
My happy Place!


My favorite thing is flowers and they all come in different colours and shapes.. Makes me smile and a bubbly feeling in the ❀️


My favorite collection from this summer and last year!


Many different crocus!


All flowers are from the garden and it's a beautiful place to be!




Sometimes you lucky to capture beautiful bugs close up... This is my favorite ones!

My altime favorite shots, beautiful Bumble bee

A beautiful Dragonfly!

Beautiful and largest one I've ever seen

A fly is not my favorite bug but the colour on this one made it worth a shot!

Unbelievable it didn't fly away when I took this close up

Another fly and this is my worst enemy Horse fkn fly!

Cool look but only out to hurt me 😠


#thealliance ❀️

I can't do a thankful post without mentioning my biggest blessing!


The day I came to steemit was a big change for me and such a lucky move.
But the day #thealliance found me was like winning Jackpot πŸ€Much Love to @enginewitty who is the ❀️ behind this family. Loves you!
Best group of people I've ever met, and so much talent in one family is rare and you guys just blow me away!
Thankful for each and every one of you!


Have been blessed with many new friends, and much humor and jokes, I haven't laughed this much in a long time πŸ˜‰ looove it!
Laughter and smile is the best medicine

Also never thought I would ever go out of my co zone, but I written poems, stories, freewrite, challanges and worked on my photography.
I say that's a progress....
Ya I know talk in pow wow or PYPT is next step πŸ™ˆ I'm such a chicken... Lol


Anyhooo my loveliness that was my Love Friday and I hope you liked it.
Thank you all for being so amazing and supportive. Love you all bunch πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ’–


Just happy about life and Thankful for all the blessings in it 🌹

@saffisara : Passionate about reading YOUR posts and commenting. Loves to laugh and take pictures. AND I'm a Hug πŸ€— Lover!
Remember Every day is a #haturday

Proud Member of the best family ❀️



We are also blessed with many amazing witnesses in our family!


Vote for the amazing @enginewitty nr 1
EW 3.gif

Badass gif created by @snook

Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a nr 2

Gif created by @c0ff33a and @ancapbarbie

Give those amazing people your votes as witnesses, They are worth your support!

ladda ned (1).jpeg
The amount of work they do for us all is incredible "Thank You! "


Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner

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