Learn More About Each Other // Love it Shove it Challenge

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The most amazing thing about Steemit is that it connects us to people all over the world and allows us to celebrate both our similarities and our differences!

So when I saw this awesome challenge from @snowpea, I had to participate. How much do we really know about each other? This challenge has no winner, no guesses, and it costs nothing to play. It simply brings us closer by allowing us to know more about one another. And that is what makes this community strong. The connection to each other

You can read the original post HERE

The Rules

  • List five things you love
  • List five things you don't love
  • Tag five of your friends to play
  • Use the tag loveitshoveit



My Pups

These two make me laugh every single day. They're not just beauties but my besties. I do competition obedience and agility, so we not only live together but we're truly teammates. That bond is immeasurable and totally different than a normal pet-owner relationship.


The Grateful Dead

This is one that usually surprises people. I suppose because I work a stuffy corporate-type job and when I have to I walk that walk pretty well. I'm a total closet hippy but I guess it doesn't really show on the outside. I've been to more than 80 shows and the Dead channel is still my go-to on XM radio. Friend of the Devil is my favorite Dead tune.
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I've had to take a hiatus due to some medical issues and then a bum ankle, but I love to run! I'm just a tad faster than molasses, even at my best, but that doesn't matter to me much. I love the personal triumph when I beat my own best time or break through a distance that's been a holding point. I have more focus, I'm happier, I sleep better and I'm just a better person when I'm running. My longest distance is a half marathon. Here's my friend Karen and I doing a fun Color Vibe 5K. Well, this is after we ran :)

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Ok, yes, I'm going to admit it publicly and forever recorded on the blockchain. I LOVE me a good, well-formatted spreadsheet. I adore pivots and get excited about awesome conditional formatting. I have a sheet for pretty much everything in my life. But at work I get to fully geek out and go for gold. Get a bunch of data in a well-done spreadsheet and I promise you there is always some unexpected solution you didn't expect. Slice it and dice it until you get your answers.

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This Guy

Last, but not least, my amazing boyfriend JP. If you followed my 'Frogs I've Kissed' posts about my experiences online dating, or if we've chatted on Discord, you probably have heard of this guy. He came out of nowhere last July and has been my greatest, least expected favorite thing. He's crazy smart and insanely funny. He's kind and compassionate and patient. Not sure he's ever taken a serious photo, so here you go...my Prince.





I don't know what it is, but to me they are the most grotesque thing on the planet. Black or green, doesn't matter. I can't simply pick them out of my food. If I smell one I will gag. And I can smell an olive from 20 feet away. A college roommate of mine once didn't believe me. He pinned me down and shoved a black olive (the grossest of the two) down my throat. Yeah. He believes me now.

Ism's of any kind

Ageism, Sexism, Racism...you name it, I don't tolerate it. Human is human is human. Stop making our differences a thing. I mean, they are a great thing, but stop taking issue with any of it. Acceptance and equality are the primary things holding us back as a human race. So just STOP.

Noisy chewers

The worst part is, I don't think you know who you are. I'm not the type of person to call it out so I suffer in silence. Maybe it's because there's a medical issue, I don't know. But man, people who make a lot of noise when they eat make my skin crawl. Not the actual person, I probably love them, but I am not in any hurry to share a meal with them. Same goes for people who smack their gum.

Getting Gas

Yeah, this makes me lazy, I know. But I hate it. Which is why my gas light is always on. I haven't run out of gas in years (could probably make a separate post about all the times I have) but I do run it down to the wire. Can't really tell you why I dislike stopping to fill up so much. I just do.


I have a completely irrational phobia of birds. I suppose when you break it down all phobias are irrational, and this one is no exception. No childhood trauma, no massive bird attack in my life. No I didn't see 'The Birds' at an early and impressionable age. They just scare the shit out of me and I have no intentions of ever trying to get over this fear. Their scraggly, bony feet freak me out. Their beaks are weapons, and they fly around unpredictably. Pigeons are the devil.



So many people I want to read about. And if you read the initial post the rules were edited to allow for more than five people. But I can't include every single one of you. If I tag you and you've already completed this, I apologize. I'll catch up on the #loveitshoveit tag later tonight.


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