Love It or Shove It Challenge!!!

Whilst going through #thealliance posts, I have come across this wonderful challenge by @snowpea:

It is called the "The Love it/Shove it Challenge". Find the original post here. This is a great chance to get to know each other in a different level - here's what you've got to do:

  1. List five things that you love

  2. List five things that you really dislike

  3. Use the tag #loveitshoveit

  4. Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in

Before I proceed with my list, let me first tag @erangvee, @virgo27, @appleskie, @pingcess and @iluyyy for this challenge.


  1. My wonderful family. Where would I be without you? I love you. I love you. I love you.
  2. Coffee! Can't start my day without it... Just the smell of freshly brewed coffee already wakes up my senses. Drink it while it's hot. Hmmmm!
  3. Smelling my kids. Something about baby's smell in particular that calms my being.
  4. Sleep. Just because I am deprived. LOL
  5. Chocolates. Have you seen my steemit profile banner?


  1. Repeating myself. Nah. I just hate it. But I tend to all the time.
  2. Long drives. If I am the driver. As a passenger? I would try to reconsider!
  3. Cigarette smoke. Do I need to elaborate?
  4. Being made to wait. I am an impatient person. Please. Don't. Make. Me. Wait.
  5. Folding the laundry. I'll do the hanging. Just don't make me fold the clothes. :D

You've been tagged! Com'on! Let us hear you.

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