Love It or Shove It Challenge

Love It or Shove It

This is a challenge to Steempeeps issued by @snowpea. Told you I would, just had to coordinate it. I've already been nominated by three people and thanks for thinking of me @saffisara, @baby07 & @inthenow. I kind of liked the 'Love it or Hate it' myself when you were first talking about doing it Snow, so I'm going to run with that. I don't really shove things, but there are a few things I totally despise. So first we have:


  1. Creating - I really love just thinking about things and coming up with new and interesting ideas for stories or inventions or ways to improve on other things I love.
  2. Fishing - Something about the patience and excitement involved. It requires a certain focus, almost like some martial arts or meditations, that separate the bonds of reality. A simple freedom.
  3. Sex - Another of those things that separates the bonds of reality except with a different adrenaline rush attached than fishing. Especially when the two minds intertwine and synchronicity is present.
  4. Children - Most anyway, but specifically my own. I feel I've learned more about the world looking through their eyes than of all my years of schooling as they frequently remind me of things I'd long forgotten.
  5. Dreaming - Not just sleep, but actual dreaming. My dreams are so vivid and vibrant that sometimes, it's hard to tell when I'm actually not dreaming.


  1. Borders - Fences do make good neighbors and I'm all about privacy, but you would think we would have accepted that we're all human by now and each an individual. Breeding separation only feeds the fires of segregation be it cultural, religious, racial or sexual orientation.
  2. Hypocrisy - If someone says something to me, I take that at face value. I trust people off the bat and throw that bridge across the river. Naive maybe, and I often give people the benefit of the doubt as I want to see the best in people but as soon that bridge starts to sway and I see two faces, I will slap all four cheeks.
  3. Smoking - Ya, I know, I'm a smoker and I hate it. I've done a lot of shit in my time, know that, and it's the last unhealthy vice I have. I don't know how to quit.
  4. Time - It seems to be working against me these days. There are so many things I want to accomplish, even in the course of a single hour, and the hour is then passed and I was only half way there. Makes me wonder if I'm only half-achieving what I really should or could.
  5. Toys Left Out - Just a few nights ago (the most recent instance) I was heading to the bathroom in the wee hours. He he, wee wee hours LMAO omg, anyway, I'm barefoot and step on this toy frying pan situated perfectly in the middle of the entrance to the bathroom. On a hardwood floor, it acted as an ice skate and had I been just a little less aware and wasn't able to grab the door jamb to prevent my fall, I may be seriously injured. Prior to that a few nights, I stepped on a 'My Littlest Pet Shop' accessory that might as well have been a lego and twisted my ankle while smacking into the wall and biting my tongue. I HATE toys being left out.

All Done

Hopefully you know me a little better (for those that wanted to) or at least enjoyed reading this. As per the guidelines of the challenge, I am to nominate five other people that may enjoy the challenge. I was browsing the tag #loveitshoveit (which is a requirement to pass it on) to see who had already done it and saw some familiar names. See all kinds of family from #thealliance like @guiltyparties, @nainaztengra, and @elizacheng. Steemit 'celebrity' @papa-pepper (good on ya buddy!), @globocop - who I just got vaguely familiar with on @simgirlandsnook's show yesterday, fellow stacker @eaglespirit, my pirate booty @dreemsteem, and even a bunch of new-to-steemit profiles I've never seen ever like @albanyg12 & @randomlyjames. So I hope you're not too worried about this spreading around Snow. Oh ya, nominations. After going through there, people I didn't and would like to see are @katrina-ariel, @ameliabartlett, @jatinhota, @enchantedspirit, @crisangel & @princessmewmew. That was six wasn't it. Oh well. You pick 5 then. LOL Steem on my peoples!


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png

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