Love It or Shove It Challenge!

Love It or Shove It Challenge!

This challenge was started by @snowpea and I am tagged in so here we go.

So what do you really love? What would you rather not have in your life? These are the little things that make us unique! Get creative, and feel free to explain your reasons! The rules are simple!

  • List five things that you love

  • List five things that you really dislike

  • Use the tag loveitshoveit

  • Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in

Love it!

  1. Spending time with my daughter. Nothing more special than hanging out with my kid, doing whatever comes to mind. What more could you ask for?

  2. Going on road trips, especially in the summer... with the windows down and the music turned up. Driving down to Florida and back just for the heck of it, always fun!

  3. Writing music, and creating with Albelton Live. Always a fun time putting on the headphones and losing yourself in a song.

  4. Pizza! Yeah, nothing better than having a deep dish sausage, pepperoni, and double cheese to make your day better!

  5. Coffee! Having a triple espresso and a caffeine jolt to start the day, whats not to love? :-D I gotta have the java, and I know that a lot of you do too!

Shove it!

  1. People begging for follows and upvotes on your posts! Yes this drives me crazy.

  2. Chemtrails! Yeah say what you want... I got stock in tinfoil! So there's that. ;-) Look up people!

  3. Vaccines! Have you read the package inserts? FDA does not test them, don't take my word for it, read one for yourself.

  4. Doing laundry! Yeah, being a single parent, I get all the jobs. And laundry sucks!

  5. Sending my daughter off to school every day of the week. I cannot wait for home school time! And the education system sucks these days, not to mention all the damn school shootings going on.

So that is my love it or shove it list!

I am now tagging in @enginewitty @krazypoet @guiltyparties @snook @rakkasan84

So hopefully they will join in! Thanks for reading. :-D Have a great day.

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