Love it/shove it Challenge

I was nominated by my lovely friend @keciah to take part in a fun #loveitshove challenge started by another dear friend @snowpea.

Rules for Challenge:

  1. List five things that you love

  2. List five things that you really dislike

  3. Use the tag loveitshoveit

  4. Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in

My answers for the challenge:


Love it:

  • Hubby, friends and my one sister and two brothers who are left of my family.
  • Being Kevin’s mother. Although his time on this earth was much too short.

  • Animals - with a soft spot for the little ones.

  • Food with fruit - blueberry pancakes with maple syrup or molasses.

  • Nature - the beauty of the sunrise/sunset, the sea, flowers in springtime and the forest that is behind the house.

    I had a longer list for shove it but managed to narrow it down to five. 😃


    Shove it:

  • Cruel people who harm others, especially children and animals. I have heard many terrrible abuse stories. I strongly feel this type of depraved individual should be punished to the full extent of the law.

  • Drivers who drive their vehicles practically on my rear bumper. I was always told you should stay back to where you could see the car’s tires in front of you touch the pavement.

  • Negative people who complain about everybody and everything. When they come into my space, I become uneasy and can feel the negativity in the air.

  • Snakes. I don’t want to see them harmed just keep them away from me. Whether they are large, small, poisonous or harmless makes no difference - I have a snake phobia.

  • Angel of Death - this angel has taken too many of my loved ones.

Tagging some friends to participate in this challenge:

@c0ff33a, @deerjay, @andysantics, @mineopoly, @debralee


Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Photos by @redheadpei unless otherwise noted.

Animations by @redheadpei in a Vimo app.


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