Love It or Shove It! || Antara Cinta dan Benci

Hello friends,

Hope your Monday was off to a good start! We enjoyed a nice sunny week, last week, but this week is blah, snow is coming again. I was so happy already, forgetting May Long (we have a long weekend sometime in May) is still far ahead, in May it would still be snowing where I live, in fact, when we are that lucky, snow would still greet us in June 😱 The joy of living upper north Canada, I guess. Beautiful up here, but winter can be too long. I don't really want to complain, because when summer is bad for us, the whole town and neighboring towns are in evacuation mode! (- evil fire bush) So, 🀷

As I was done doing motherly duty and maid chores, I started curating and the first blog I saw was my #thealliance friend, @felobtc, and for sure I regretted that! πŸ˜‚βœŒοΈ

He tagged me in yet another challenge, which was initiated by @snowpea.

Another fun challenge, yes. I have been reading what others posted on this challenge. Maybe I secretly hoping I was tagged? No, no, nope. Contest and challenges are my frienemies (friends and enemies πŸ˜‚). I'd get too hook on them, spend too much of my time thinking what to do, to type, and whatnot πŸ˜‚

This challenge is called Love It/Shove It


The rules are simple!

β€’ List five things that you love
β€’ List five things that you really dislike
β€’ Use the tag #loveitshoveit
β€’ Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in


Love It

  • Entertainment - songs, movies, games, books, whatever entertains me, even playing with my sons' fidget spinners πŸ˜‚
  • Throwing Parties - be it birthday party, Halloween party, family party, baby shower, or just because. I love decorating the house, dressing up, having awesome table party etc
  • Baking and Cooking - obviously. I love eating, that's why.
  • Traveling - I think I am more loving the travel itself, like being on the plane, sleeping on the car during road trip, and get to throw myself to the comfy hotel bed, at the end of those long travels.
  • My little family - which doesn't need explanation, I guess πŸ˜‚


Shove It

  • Reading, watching, listening to news - we live in a shitty world. Wish I could just skip to celebrity gossips, but I wanna know what's going on out there.
  • Rapist, serial killers, pedophile, and the like - do I need to explain this?
  • Keyboard warrior - facepalm to these kind of people 🀦
  • Sickness and death - why can't we just grow old and that's it. No suffering just passing. Imagine those newborns with cancer, those elderly with no family, etc. Just sad.
  • Officials - those who work at government offices, airports, even security at grocery stores. Majority aren't people friendly. Making the time we have to spend with them so awkward and just blah πŸ˜‚

Now am tagging @ekavieka @jznsamuel @cooknbake @elizacheng @patriciadian ✌️

Hai teman! Semoga hari Senin kalian bagus2 saja yak. Disini masih terus turun salju, lama2 bete juga πŸ˜‚ Susah mau keluar rumah euy.

Ikutan main yu, daripada bingung mau ngeblog apa hari ini πŸ˜‚

Ini ada challenge judulnya Love It/Shove it. Awalnya bermula dari teman Steemit-ku, si @snowpea. Aku sih kena tunjuk oleh temanku yang lain, @felobtc. Iseeeng deh main tunjuk2 πŸ˜‚

Aturannya mudah kok:

  • sebutkan 5 hal yg kamu suka
  • sebutkan 5 hal yg kamu benci
  • jangan lupa kasih tag #loveitshoveit
  • tag 5 teman lainnya

Untuk daftar ku, nih dibawah πŸ‘‡


Aku Suka

  • Segala jenis hiburan, dari musik, film, buku, mainan
  • Pesta - gila pesta πŸ˜‚ suka banget ngadain kumpul2 dirumah, soalnya seru
  • Masak2 - dasar mak2 ga ada kerjaan yak πŸ˜‚
  • Jalan2 - senengnya tuh duduk di pesawat dan di mobil, terus ngedekem di hotel, adem πŸ˜‚
  • Anak2 dan suami tercintah


Aku Benci

  • Baca/denger berita - banyak perang, banyak kematian, dll, bikin urut dada
  • Pemerkosa, pembunuh berdarah dingin, pedofil dan sejenisnya
  • Penyakit dan kematian
  • Orang2 sok berani, hebat, DLL, dibelakang layar πŸ˜‚ - andai kita bisa loncat keluar layar telfon dan komputer, seru kali yah πŸ˜‚
  • Petugas galak di kantor pemerintahan, bandara, bank, DLL - kumis semakin tebal, semakin sangar πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ayo giliran @patriciadian dan @ekavieka ikutan main

Thanks For Looking!

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