Introducing Project loveletters

Hello Steemians!

I am excited to start a project that I have had in mind for a while, but just haven't gotten around to do it. Today is the perfect day to let you know what this project is since it's my mom's birthday today! So today was the perfect day to start it.

What is Project #loveletters?

I have in my posession a binder full of original letters written by my parents when they were going out and living in two different countries. My plan is to share a letter a day and put their love story on the blockchain. I have their permission to do so :)

What is special about the project?

My parents met in the nightclub Maddox in Playa de Aro, Spain in 1978 when my mom went with her parents on vacation to Spain. My mom is from Holland and my dad is from Spain. Talking to each other was difficult since my dad spoke no English and my mom spoke no Spanish. They spoke French, which was limited. So after my mom went back to Holland, they started writing letters to each other. These letters are written starting in 1978 back and forth between my mom and my dad. These were sent from Spain to Holland and back. They tried to write in different languages to be able to understand each other. Some letters have words written over them to understand them. They both used dictionaries when writing these letters. The special thing is that they both saved these letters! Very few people write letters anymore, so having them is special.

This is my mom Irene back then.

This is my dad Jesus back then.

I hope you enjoy reading their #loveletters through time, just like I will enjoy sharing it. Depending on which language it was written I will translate it into English.

Disclaimer: The letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts.

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