Stunningly Beautiful Clouds


People who live in cities usually preferred to have vacation into provinces. For what reason? Away from crowded places and polluted surrounding, life in provinces is a lot more different from there.  A more relaxing place, fresh air to breath and  place that will make your day feel better from being work exhausted. It seems there's something that makes your load become lite. In this picture above, you can not only see how clean the environment is, it also tells about having peace, a quiet place that would surely relax your mind. But what really catches my attention here is the clouds. So, I quickly grab my phone and captured it. Stunningly beautiful! And I decided to share it with you thinking that it might also make you feel better like me. 

This was taken from my Samsung  A7 2017 cellphone. I hope you like it! 

This is my entry to @tobetada 's #lovetheclouds contest #5   😊

Thank you,




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