Reduce Packaging Waste: Bulk Shopping

This is my entry in the Live Sustainably photo contest. I have been a long-time shopper of bulk bins (when they have what I need, anyway! I wish they had more!), but a lot of people use bulk bins and scoop into disposable plastic bags, like produce bags, provided by the store. Often I see a cup of bulk rice or something stuffed into this ginormous plastic bag, because people don't bring their own containers (and I used to work at a health food store, and saw it there, too). It always kind of surprises me, because the stereotype is health food store = eco conscious folk, right? Not always!

So I try to bring my own containers. Usually in the past I brought my big jars for whatever I was buying, like these:

But I don't drive, and so when you are walking home carrying 30 pounds of groceries, the extra 4 pounds from big glass jars makes a difference. Finally I thought of a better plan:

I have two flour sacks (yes, that I actually bought flour in, they're not relics of a bygone age 😁), so I know they'll hold fine powders and not leak. Testing some of my bag clips out, they managed to close over the fabric, so YAY a few ounces instead of a few pounds!

Turbinado sugar in flour sack

So that's my new pedestrian-friendly bulk shopping tip. If you're wondering where I got flour in cloth, actually NOT at the health food store! The big one came from Walmart (I know, I don't normally shop there because Fuck Walmart They're Evil, but it was one time years ago that a friend was going and I asked if I could tag along because I had been given xmas gifts I would never use with Walmart tags on them, so I thought I could trade them in for groceries instead, which I did), which is a brand of flour from the Navajo Nation. The second smaller bag is a recent one from King Soopers (Kroger), from a brand from the southern part of my state (Colorado). So I don't know if they are available at all Walmarts or Krogers, or just us because we're on the edge of the breadbasket, but, there you are!

Thanks for reading!

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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