MACROPHOTOGRAPHY - Iguana by @jcphotography


Las Iguanas del genero sauropsidos son reptiles de zonas tropicales centro-america, su-damerica y el Caribe.

Viven en arboles y miden aproximadamente 1.60 m de largo, son herbívoros y ovíparos son súper ágiles y su color verde sobre todo en las especies jóvenes en muy bello e intenso.

En esta fotografía macro quise destacar la belleza de sus ojo, la iguanas tienen excelente vision, pueden ver movimientos a larga distancia, usan lenguaje visual para comunicarse con las de su misma especies y la textura de su pies es escamosa, finalmente se trata de un hermoso reptil exótico!

The Iguanas of the sauropsid genus are reptiles from tropical Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

They live in trees and are approximately 1.60 m long, they are herbivorous and oviparous they are super agile and their green color especially in the young species in very beautiful and intense.

In this macro photo I wanted to highlight the beauty of their eyes, the iguanas have an excellent vision, they can see the movements in the long run, they use the visual language to communicate with them and the texture of their feet in scaly, finally it is a beautiful exotic reptile!

This photo is my entry for the daily photography contest- Thursday: #colorfulphotography and #macrophotography organized by @juliank.

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