peacock feather exploration, close-up and fabulous

Quick Personal Update

Hello Steemians; friends and readers. It's been a while since I've posted. Life gets hectic and sometimes you have to put something on the back burner and unfortunately, Steemit is what got shifted back while I focused on kids and end of school activities. With summer starting soon, I'm hoping to get back to my weekly posts again. Now, onto the pretties!!! <3


For my birthday in May I got a new toy for my camera, a Micnova macro extension tube. It extends the distance between the lens and the camera, which lets it focus on objects closer than it normally would. This magnifies the object being photographed by enabling a lens to focus closer than its normal set minimum focusing distance. It has three parts that you can use separately, or combine them to get a variety of extension lengths. It's a cheaper way to start taking macro shots instead of dropping a ton of cash on a fancy macro lens.

image credit: myself, iPhone 6s


I really love macro photography, especially getting a closer look at the beauty of nature. I took about a hundred pictures of this peacock feather, and ended up with a handful that really stood out. One of the things I love about peacock feathers is you can get a variety of colors based on how the light is hitting the pigments in them. I haven't adjusted the colors or levels. I've selected the few that I think are the most interesting and I hope you enjoy them!


12mm extension tube, 18mm lens, f/5.6, Exposure 1/60

click on image for larger view


32mm extension tube, 18mm lens, f/5.6, Exposure 1/60

click on image for larger view


36mm extension tube on 18mm lens, f/6.3, Exposure 1/80

click on image for larger view


36mm extension tube, 18mm lens, f/5.6, Exposure 1/80

click on image for larger view


68mm extension tube (all 3 combined), 18mm lens, F/5.6, Exposure 1/30

click on image for larger view


What are your favorite things to photograph up close? What are some other items/objects that would work well for macro photography fun? Drop a comment and let me know. Have a wonderful day ya'll!

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