Normal Papacrusher Sunday

Fantastic caterpillar on a normal Sunday!

The day started as uneventful as most Sunday mornings for me. There was a little more prep work than normal getting ready for church due to my wife's broken leg so I had to get up a tad earlier than normal. I fixed a massive cup of Irish Breakfast Tea and we gathered everything to head to church. I work every other weekend and we usually attend church on the Sundays I have off.

Hansom little guy hanging from the trees.

So as I head out of the house to start the car to cool it off for my wife, I notice a beautifully, magnificent white caterpillar hanging from the tree canopy. At first, it was one of those situations where I wasn't sure what I was seeing as my eyes and my mind could not come to a rational agreement about floating caterpillars. My focus finally came around and I was able to get my phone and snap a few pics of this cute guy hanging around enjoying(?) the heat and humidity.

We had a really great church service and my wife was just so happy to get out of the house after being stuck at home for the most part of the last three weeks except for a couple of Dr. appointments. We ate lunch at a local steakhouse and everything was just about perfect for the meal, except for too little salad dressing and minor issues of the such. Still better than having to hunt down my own meal and prep it!

I wonder if they used organic, gluten-free men to make this!?!

After our great lunch, my wife had a small grocery list prepared that she wanted me to shop for on the way home and she was going to wait in the car while I ran inside and picked up what we needed. I really should take more pictures when shopping, because I come across the most unusual things that make me chuckle while strolling around looking for my products. This little gem was near the sliced sandwich meat and I couldn't help but snicker to myself as I tool a picture. Shopping is so much more fun when you have your next #steemit post always perched and ready for material! Unlike most of my recent shopping adventures, this one went smooth as silk and made for a peaceful experience.

Sometimes the universe just reaffirms what you already know!!! lol

Once I got the groceries loaded in the car I decided we both deserved a special treat for just being "us" and I headed to my favorite coffee shop to indulge. Now, I am of the persuasion that it is never to hot for hot coffee or hot tea. Seriously, the devil himself could be handing out iced tea and I would probably opt for an afternoon hot coffee. My wife, on the other hand, loves frozen coffee and iced coffee concoctions.

Today, I treated myself to a salted-caramel breve and I got the same flavor for my wife in a frappuccino. They have amazing pound cake and other assorted pastries, but since we were still fairly stuffed from lunch, we opted for the coffee only. But, you know, sometimes the universe needs to come down and give you a good reminder of something you need to be aware of and don't you know it decided to remind me of how great I am by showing me this giant coffee

After that, we went home unloaded the car and basically let the food and coffee work it's way out of our system by binge watching Netflix! I hope your Sunday was as great as ours and I hope your week brings you something you have been clinging onto hope for!!

All photos and videos are my own creation unless otherwise noted.

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