Journey To A Healthier Lifestyle

Hey Steeemians

Starting a Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle can be overwhelming to say the least, as it seems like every change you take you dig into something new to research and learn to enhance your life.

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A few years ago noticing weight piling on form spending alot of time online, suffering pain from not exercising, and people we knew getting sicker with diabetes and other sicknesses that could be healed with eating right, and exercising (modern life.)
With just wanting to stop eating less processed food, takeouts, and add a bit of exercise, cutting out sugar, started a journey to a healthier lifestyle as we really didn't know what we were doing, made a few mistakes and still having troubles to staying on the path for eating right.

When you start finding information it's like you are scratching at a little hole that just opens up with so many paths, and different knowledge, with things you may not of been thinking about before.

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It's differently a marathon not a sprint when it comes to a journey to a healthier lifestyle, for us we started changing processed sugar to raw sugar, coconut sugar, then trying Honey as a natural option (many of our options came from visiting different blogs on steemit, following conversations with community members within Steemit to finding and digging out some really neat knowledge which lead to many different options).

A conversation about a plant on the other side of the river of the tree of life lead us finding about hemp, which lead to finding a few hemp suppliers/manufacturers in New Zealand, to trying and using some of these products which are natural. To reading a few books by a Kiwi author about being savvy, living more natural by making your own natural products for cleaning your home, and also beauty products.

Reading one of these books lead me to deciding to try using things around the house as deodorant, first trying baking soda, it keep my under arms dry but was a bit uncomfortable as I may of put a bit much as it caked, went to try again instead of grabbing the baking soda grabbed the baking powder, that was a bust.
Finding other options we found two more, one was coconut oil and the other no deodorant.
Been about a year in the winter found it easier to go deodorant free, when need use coconut oil which is mainly in the summer when not swimming.

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With wanting to be savvy but also wanting quality clothes savvy normally rained over quality with the wants of having many clothes options that the heart desired, but realizing products aren't made how they used to, having clothes from over 25 years ago that have lasted the time from clothes that been in the wash a few times and looked like a dogs breakfast, it gets you thinking about what options are out there for natural clothing that last in our modern lifestyle.
Looking at some natural options they are expensive but when you have to replace things a lot due to pour quality it actually works out cheaper to do it right the first time.
We're still in the looking mode, but Hemp based products - clothing/ bags/ blankets/ pillows - so much more, Organic Cotton and Bamboo - these need to be organically grown plus also check how they were made (as these may of been put thru a chemical wash to soften them), Merino and Possum together as it makes them a little bit stronger on the wear.

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Everyday products you may have at home or use, can be used for natural remedies for cleaning, health/when sick, beauty/skin products.
Many things we use have antibacterial properties that are natural that are good for you in moderation, which also saves money being able to make it your self.

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Starting this journey it started us thinking about our environment we live in, like most people we also dream of owning a home, you start thinking about what type of materials that are used to build homes and what other options are out there and the impact on our environment.
HGTV is a great tv channel, also they are online to get great ideas from living off the grid to tiny homes to start the juices flowing for what may work for your family.
There are many choices, Yurts, Tiny Homes, Eco dome, Adobe construction, Container Home, Tree Huts, Hemp homes, earthship just to name a few ways.

With doing this journey it is still only the beginning only being a few years in, there is still a life time of learning to learn more sustainable ways to a healthier lifestyle.

For those that have started a healthier lifestyle journey what tip would you give to yourself if you had to turn back time?

For those that would like to start their own journey, what is your biggest road block/fear that may not let you get started?

Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening!

Steemit if full of great community's here are two you may like to check out:

The @adsactly society is fabulous - Don't take my word for it check them out on
discord if your interested in the crypto sphere, society.

#makeithealthy project is being held by the fabulous @woman-onthe-wing so you don't need to go healthy by yourself.

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