Motivating Exercises To Get Busy People Exercising At Home

Weather your not a very active person or haven't found the right exercise to fix your schedule there are many types of exercises to use to start getting moving again.

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Many mistakes are made when people start to exercise again after long periods of not exercising,

  • over doing it
  • not stretching before and after exercise
  • staying hydrated

When we haven't been physically moving for extended time periods our muscles tighten, when we start moving again this is were we are prone to tearing, over stretching, suffering pain or hurting ourselfs.

When we haven't been moving for a while we want to get rip roaring back into exercise, we need to slow down and work our way back up to where we may of physically been weeks, months or even years ago.

For those of us that have left it years to find time for ourselfs due to work commitments, family, or just plain poor time management getting the motivation to move or finding the time slot can be difficult at times been there, spent much of the last three years nursing lots of injury's with trying to get going and over doing it.

Trying many different exercises and scoring the internet to find what works with out exercise equipment and can be done in different time restraints, sometimes mixing different exercises one for warm up and warm down and one for the main part.

Finding exercises that cater for different levels of physicalness, that talk you through the exercise, (but not over talking) that give tips and right to the point that work when you do them, that give you a boost of energy, make you feel great, where you can see a difference and makes you want to come back is hard to find as we are all unique and have different expectations.

When lunges, star jumps, sit ups, push ups, planks just don't make you excited for exercise anymore what are the alternatives...

Here are some motivating exercises I like to use around a busy family and online.

Radio Exercises

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Just started using this exercise a few months ago after watching a Jamie Oliver tv show where he went over to a part of Asia where the population live and work in old ages of 70, and 80, they are healthy and live longer.
One of the things they did all their life was stretching every morning, they had radio exercises that played every morning so people could do it at home, school, outside in the community.

If you live in a country where there are community's of older people from Asia you may see them doing exercises in the morning or evening in parks.

There are many different versions of the radio exercise this is the one I landed on first from a search, ended up using, you can break this one into two parts as it repeats, one with the voice, the second no voice. You can use one as a warm up and the second as a warm down if doing other exercises or use it as a exercise by it's self if your stretched for time.
You can do it in 3 mins 25 seconds or do both for a total of 6 minutes 56 seconds. Video Source Here

Walking Exercises

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There are many different types of walking exercises from walking outside, swimming pool walking with weights on, walking on exercise equipment like treadmills or air-walkers what can you do when you have limit time and would like to do this everyday.
Youtube has a great range of walking exercises my favorite is from Lumowell have been watching and using there youtube videos for a few years now after suffering many of the exercise injures of over doing it and going past my physical level, these give you a range of exercises in times from 3 minutes to 75 minutes, with exercise equipment to no equipment with some videos doing lungs and plunks which there are plenty to choose from with different exercises.

The videos are done by a computer generated figure which some people like and some don't, I quite like it then I don't have to think how long it took them to look so great, why I don't look like that and get on with the exercise.

The walking exercises range from 15 minutes to 60 minutes where you can work till your limit stop and click to the warm down process.
For a walking exercise it really blew past my exceptions as I didn't expect to feel motivated, energized, or even sweet dripping down it really gives you a full work out from just moving.

This video is a low impact walking exercise that can be done in 16 minutes 38 seconds to the equivalent to have walking a mile and burning 112 - 187 Calories without any equipment. Video Source Here


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Putting on a song an dancing for 3 -4 minutes is a great way to get moving make exercising fun that you will come back and do it over and over again, music and dancing does that.
Dancing at home no one needs to see how fabulous or how old your moves maybe just be you and move with the flow of music moving down your veins.

Whats your favorite exercise to get you motivated?

Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening!

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