Recreating Recipes From The Internet #3 - Steemits @heart-to-heart Lasagna

With a hankering for Lasagna for a few days, cruising thru Steemit a Plant based Lasagna popped up shared by @heart-to-heart that was a interesting take from a traditional Lasagna of meat and pasta.

Being a family of omnivore's we've been trying a few Vegetarian, Vegan, Sugar free dishes, many taste fantastic to our surprise sifting thru Steemit I get sooo hungry there are so many fabulous recipes.

@heart-to-heart recipe was gluten free, we just grabbed bread we had which wasn't gluten free, plus ours doesn't do @heart-to-heart pictures justice, so check out the original post Here

Finished Lasagna

Lasagna just before hitting the oven

Very easy recipe to follow and make, had great flavor everyone really enjoyed it, the only issue was the kids did ask were the meat was, and did do it as a main for a big family, we were a bit hungry afterwards.
Normally we have sides of vegetables with meat, this we just did the lasagna, would make again with a side of salad or maybe as a second course after a soup.

A great way to add more vegetables into the diet in a fun and colorful way.

If your looking into a Plant based, Vegan lifestyle or just wanting a way to add more vegetables into the kids in a fun way check out @heart-to-heart, her blog is full of great recipes and tips to try out!

If your kids are fussy or don't like trying new food play a guessing game with them, ask them to try what you have made and ask them to tell you what the ingredients are, We do this with our kids it's a great way to get food in them as by the time they have guess all the ingredients they have finished it, this also gets them to tell you what flavor combinations they like also.

Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening!

If you have missed our other Recreating Recipes from the Internet you can check them out
Recreating Recipes From The Internet #1 - Steemits @kaykunoichi - VEGAN CHAKRA COCONUT ICE
Recreating Recipes From The Internet #2 - @THEGIRLWHOATEEVERYTHING Moist And Light Carrot Cake - With Alternative To Processed Sugar

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Steemit if full of great community's here are two you may like to check out:

The @adsactly society is fabulous - Don't take my word for it check them out on
discord if your interested in the crypto sphere, society.

#makeithealthy project is being held by the fabulous @woman-onthe-wing so you don't need to go healthy by yourself.

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