Make It Healthy Project: A Full Introduction - And How YOU Can Be Part Of It!


Hi, I'm Joanna.  Finally giving this project a proper introduction!  Many of you already know me on Steemit as @woman-onthe-wing, but there's a good reason for this separate account so bear with me.  First, a little about myself, for those of you who've long forgotten my 2016 introductory post!  I hate selfies, but here goes.


I'm a wife and mother (and cat mama), originally from the Yorkshire Dales, England but now live on the coast of Donegal, Ireland. I'm a qualified Learning Disabilities Nurse and also have a degree in Ethics. I'm vegetarian, adore cooking, baking, and generally looking after the health needs of my family. I'm into natural everything, making as much homemade as I'm able including beauty products and medicines. I begin each day with 1 hour of aerobics and a run in the forest. I love walking, cycling, photography, painting, crafts, DIY, listening to the Blues. I used to play a huuuuge bass drum in a samba raggae drumming band. I'm a romantic, a peacemaker, deeply spiritual, and feel a strong affinity with the natural world... birds in particular. I used to think this was about freedom, but now I think it's more about balance.


Five months ago the idea for this project was born.  At the time I was hosting the weekly Steemit Culinary Challenge, which had a real strong community spirit, and those who joined in each week seemed to sense it too.  Around last June I noticed that most of the recipes being entered were wonderfully healthy.  Suddenly most of the recipes were made up mainly of natural, organic, non-toxic, beautiful ingredients.  Recipes featuring things like bleached flour, sugar and artificial ingredients became rare.  And there were no rules demanding these... it simply evolved of its own accord!

(created by @lenasveganliving)

(created by @babettxx)

(created by @amy-goodrich)

(created by @haphazard-hstead)

(created by @rouketas)

So that got me to thinking about creating a project based entirely on what's natural and good for health.  But rather than the information and recipes coming solely from me, I wanted a way to bring all the fantastic 'good health' posts from the whole community and share them far and wide.  Not just recipes, but all kinds of healthy things.

That's why I have this separate account for the project.  Because it's not mine, it's ours, for the good of us all.  By having this project account all this great information will be in one easily accessible place rather than in among all my @woman-onthe-wing posts.    

I felt one aspect of this project should be to gather recipes to create Steemit's first community recipe book, which would offer homemade healthy alternatives to processed commercial products.  Rather than a regular weekly contest, I will hold irregular contests, as often as I can, so that this recipe book can still be a reality.  I know many of you were pretty enthused at the idea, so fear not, your healthy recipes will still have their glory!  My husband (author, computer geek, very clever) is getting into blockchain publishing himself and is more than happy to give me a helping hand.  Thank God... I am not so savvy with these things!


If you'd like to be part of growing this project, feel free to link your own 'good health' posts to it - Please include a link to this project in any posts you do, and make sure to tag with #makeithealthy so can they be easily found.  Each post will be upvoted and re-steemed by myself.  Posts tagged this way are required to be 100% natural and good for health, and may be on any topic related to health, whether physical, emotional, social, spiritual.    

You may also adapt my main project title to create your own post series, such as “Make It Healthy Food Contest” or “Make It Healthy Recipes” or “Make It Healthy Ireland/Poland/Russia etc” or “Make It Healthy Weight-Loss Tips” or “Make It Healthy Yoga” or “Make It Healthy Beauty Products”... Wherever your imagination takes you is fine by me.  

Like so many other people I used to endure ill-health day after tiring day, and thought there would never be an end.  Until the day I discovered the most effective remedy... consume only what's natural.    

Food can be your best friend or your worst enemy.  Learning that fact changed my life.

So here I am, after several years of educating myself and adjusting my health choices accordingly, wanting to share my tale of poor health to good health.  Hoping to pass on something that will help and inspire others, particularly those with children.

If I had waited for answers and cures from the healthcare system I would still be waiting.  Instead, thank goodness, I found the answers for myself.  As can we all.   

World, heal thyself.  (With a little help from the Steemit community).

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