"The Make It Healthy Project" - How YOU Can Get Involved (and Feature in the MAGAZINE)...

The Make It Healthy Project has been running for a few months now, and then recently the weekly MAGAZINE was launched as a way of compiling all the health-related posts from both myself & the Steemit community tagged with #makeithealthy.  This project isn't just about what I share, but welcomes collaboration from anyone in the Steemit community who also wishes to inspire good health.

Let's give the world a helping hand.  Together, let's Make It Healthy. 

I've been making changes and adding more sections to the MAGAZINE, as promised.  My desire is to get as much information about good-health into the MAGAZINE as possible, which serves as a useful resource for anyone wanting to learn new things and improve their health.

Like so many other people I used to endure ill-health day after tiring day until I discovered the most effective remedy - consume and use only what's natural.  Seek expertise from Mother Nature rather than Man.    

If you'd like to be part of growing this project, feel free to link your own 'good health' posts to it - make sure to tag with #makeithealthy  so can they easily be found.  Posts tagged this way are required to be 100% natural and good for health, and may be on any topic related to health, whether physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and most good quality and original posts will feature in the MAGAZINE.

What if time spent creating these health-inspiring posts wasn't simply a chance for SBD or peer appreciation, but also held the  possibility of changing lives for the better?  Or prolonging lives because you shared crucial information... actually keeping people alive and well!  How's that for motivation!!! 

If you don't find time to be healthy, you'll have to make time to be sick.  There's far too much unnecessary sickness in the world, so let's  do something about it, even if it's only one recipe, or one tip, or one good-health-inspiring post. 

Ideas for Topics

Food,   ingredients,   recipes (no sugar, processed, refined or artificial ingredients please),   diets,   nutrition,   hydration,   vitmains/minerals/supplements,   ananlysis of store-bought-products,   weight-loss,   exercise,   exercise equipment & hacks,   healing,   natural remedies,   natural medicines,   homeopathy,   homesteading,   gardening,   homemade beauty products/cosmetics,   illness/symptoms,   oral health,   hygiene,   environment,   pollution/toxins,   art/crafts,   meditation,   relaxation,   mindfulness,   motivation,   grounding,   feng sui,   counselling,   journaling,   dance,   music,   health website reviews,   sex,   addiction,   depression/anxiety,   homeschooling/unschooling,   fostering,   sleep/insomnia,   hair & skin care,   stress,   pregnancy/birth,   sun exposure,   clothing/materials,   death/grief,   community,   solitude,   disabilities,  fasting/intermittent fasting,   personal health journeys/testimonies 

 -  Tell us about your personal health journey – what inspired or motivated you to change your attitudes/approaches and what are the results?   

-  How has Steemit influenced your health choices?

-  Interview a friend (with consent) about their health journeys.   What can we learn from hearing about what your friend has gone through?

-  Tell us about what kind of activities or resources are available in your country or local area?  E.g. Local organic produce, fitness programmes, exercise classes, social clubs, wholefoods stores, healthy bakeries, initiatives to encourage healthy children

-  Interviews with owners/managers of health-related shops, health programmes, resources – find out the inspiration behind these businesses

 -  “Make Me Healthy” - with full consent of a family member or friend, make them your 'project' and bring them to better health!

 -  Bake healthy snacks to share among your community eg colleagues,  neighbours, care homes, local creche/schools, and share these good works with us.

 -  Initiate health projects for your child's school – art, music,  healthy eating, exercise... make a day of it, invite the parents, invite  the whole community! 

If you host a health-related contest, project or initiative, or know someone who does, I am more than happy to promote them in the MAGAZINE... just pop a link into the comments thread below!  

Please remember INCLUDE A LINK TO THIS PROJECT in your posts and spread the word! 

("5 Cs" shared with kind permission from @kiwideb)

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