MakeMeSmile: A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine

Whenever you feel blue,
And you have no clue,
All you need to do,
Is watch a funny video.

I tried...

Anyways, on daily ramblings and random musings, I was posed with the question on what was the funniest video I've ever seen on youtube. Within a split second, one video comes to my mind.


The confident entry..
The moment of realization..
The flopping of its' inflatable head gasping for air..
The inevitable slip and crash..
The kiss of shame with the floor..
The prestige - a flacid tail.

10/10 would make me laugh uncontrollably or at the very least a smile :)
Hope whoever reads this, as you swipe or stumble by, hope it will cheer your day a little! The world will be a better place if we all learned to laugh a bit more!
Indeed a joyful heart is good medicine to the soul~

Cheers till next time!
This is an entry to @elizacheng's MakeMeSmile Week 3 Contest

('s good for your soul too!)



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