Little things that make me smile ☺

This is my entry for @elizacheng's "MakeMeSmile" Week 3. If you interested to join, you can check it out here. Like I always said, life can hit us hard with so many random daily challenges. But whilst in it, we can still spot little things around us that make me smile, it just takes you to open up your eyes wide and switch on your radar.

My son had been admitted to hospital recently for 3 nights due to some stomach/intestine pain, coupled with slight fever. Due to him having CDH, we can't take it lightly. It was a dreadful first night at hospital because my son was not prepared it would be an admission. He wanted to go home desperately. The next day, when daddy came to visit..

Drawing from his gorgor (big brother) knowing that Jansen loves Power Rangers. He drew Blue Ranger Samurai - water power (水). We sticked it at his baby crib to cheer him up.

The letter behind the drawing.

He waited for this one the entire night. It was a long wait, and finally it arrived at hospital.

I do not like hospital stay. What more Jansen, the patient. This from my hubby does make me smile.

All these items arrived at the ward just in time to make me smile, to brighten up Jansen. You know when you are on drip, you can't go anywhere except the ward. And the ward. And the ward. It is quite devastating if you don't know how to cheer up. Plus you are worried while waiting for the blood test result.

Lastly, for a twist of this blog, the nurse tried to make Jansen smiled too. She gently grabbed Jansen arm and told him she wanted to draw something.

But Jansen ended up crying because he thought there would be another needle poking. Another blood drawing. Lol.

My prayer and best wish is that everyone is healthy and no hospital stay is needed.


With 💗, @iamjadeline


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