MakeMeSmile Week 10 - I've Earned Da Final Quest!

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I woke up at 6.00 PM today and my boyfriend congratulated me before I opened my eyes. I work night shift (10pm - 7am) so usually a lot of things happened when I'm still sleeping. I was puzzled and confused, "Why is he congratulating me? Anything happened?" I wondered.

His whatsapp message for me when he first saw @anomadsoul's winner announcement 😍 😍

Then he asked "What did you participated recently?"

I said "sndbox quest lah!"

He said "That's the contest lah! You woooonnnn!!!"

I said with my eyes half-opened "No way.. NO WAY!!!" and quickly grabbed my phone and check my Gina.

"Oh my god, really??" The next second, I'm reading his post. I scrolled down and reach the list of winners. I slowed down and read the names one by one... Then I saw "Tifa Ong".

I jumped, I screamed, I laughed and hugged my boyfriend!!

I can't believe I'm qualified for Sndbox Final Quest. I can't believe I have stepped one step closer to the realm of the super creatives.

This achievement is deeply attached to me.


It is more than exposure, more than recognition and more than SBDs.

It means I am capable of something. I proved to myself that I can be great at something I dearly love. It's the best blessing I could ever get.

You know what, I can't achieve this alone. Tracing back, a lot of people and things are helping me too. I have @williamsyee who has always been sourcing opportunities for me and supporting me unconditionally, @zord189 who has always been helpful and open to any questions (I asked zord about sndbox then get to know about this quest!), @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20 for creating such awesome initiative and especially, to all of my avid readers.

To all of my readers and fans,

Thank you for all of your encouragement, kindness and time rolling into my articles. You have kept me going, kept me learning and, kept me believe in myself. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It's still a long way to go and the quests will be much tougher. I believe, regardless in or out, I will get something out of these quests. It's a great opportunity for me to poke the edge of my comfort shell.

@tifaong writes simple and positive practices and ideas that you can learn (or re-learn) and apply in your life immediately. She covers life lessons, self-help, relationships, and motivational contents. Her mission is to spread positivity so that we can live a happier, fulfilling life.

Click the banner to check out her profile 😁

She is also a proud member of,




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