I Found Mana!


Steemit was out for few days so I went out and had a few day trip. A quest actually. I decided to search for some extra power so that I could function again properly. I packed my bags and head out to search the unknown power that would bring me back to Steemit.

I heard rumors that some sort of power called mana could be found at the end of equilibrium. Now I had no idea where that is so I just went out, started harassing people by asking them difficult questions. And of course I googled every rumor I heard.

What I heard mostly was not pretty at all. But I thought that those are just rumors, hearsay or evil minded people frightening people who are easily lead in to different kind of terrible scenarios. But then again I was prepared for the worse also. I had my coin collection from various different countries with me, flashlight, screwdrivers, mirrors, wooden stake, oil, some garlic and couple of silver spoons for some soft spooning. And of course coffee. I was prepared for anything and everything!

Those who knew something instructed me to go towards Utopia. That is a humongous place, larger than the infinity, but I couldn't let that be an obstacle. One step at a time I thought. One step at a time. I went through the Toiletroll forest, turned to the east at Siliconfalls and head north towards the Abandoned Dreams castle.

The castle had a whole thriving town around it and again I started asking for help from the people that lived there. The people there talked a pretty strange language. One that I thought I could understand, but found out, that I was a beginner at that language. A n00b. So the same questions that had previously been hard for people to understand, were incredibly dumb questions there. I always got an immediate answer, but the real problem was that I didn't understand the answers given to me. And as I was asking the incredibly dumb questions, I found out that most of the people there became very frustrated because I didn't understand them right away. So depending on the person who I asked the questions, I managed to get 1 to 5 good answers, but after that they became pretty sarcastic as they realized that in order to understand one thing, they would first have to explain 10 things that are common knowledge to the locals. And they started to tell me stories about Tranquility, which I thought at that time had nothing to do with my search for power.

But thank goodness the town had plenty of people so I could get enough answers and explanations to those answers, and to the strange words in those answers.

So eventually I found my way to Stability street. I was told to turn left at Harmony park and continue to Balance road. I found the famous Tranquility statue that I heard lots and lots of stories from the local people, (remind me to tell few of the those to you some day) and found the Equilibrium Boulevard. It was wide and looooooong. One step at a time, I thought. One step at a time.

At the end of the Equilibrium Boulevard I found a small and modest shack. It had a door, roof, floor and walls, but other than that it lacked all the basic necessities. Like windows or a chimney.

I went in and as I lighted the place with my flashlight, found a light switch and piles and piles of all kind of junk and scrap. As I went further in, I found one table that had a little bit of space on it and a small fellow standing there. Like waiting for something. It had a note under it's feet.



It didn't move at all. It was only staring in tho the abyss. As I inspected it from a safe distance, I had a strange feeling that it was alive. That it had a consciousness. I believe it was the little fellow that had written the note at it's feet. It was alive, but had no power. As a matter a fact, I felt as it had a kind of negative power, a dept in it, and that it was desperately trying to find power so that it could function. There I was searching for power that was taken away from me and I found something that had even less power than I did. Never before I had heard about negative power before but here it was staring right at me!

I decided to risk my eyes, my limbs and my life and started inspecting it a little bit closer. Eventually I had enough courage to take it to my hands. It seemed to lack some screws, gearwheels and wires. It had some rough beauty in it and the more I looked at it, the more I got the feeling that it was created with good intentions and in the right hands, it could do good things.

I searched the hut in case of more creatures like it, but found none and as I had run out of coffee, I decided to take as much spare parts with me as I could, put the little fella into my pocket and head home.

The whole way back I felt the tiny connection with it very slowly getting stronger. But extremely slowly indeed. Baby steps.

At home I put it to the kitchen counter as I was craving for coffee and some food. Fed my cats, took a shower and put my dirty clothes from the hard trip to the washing machine.


Now I swear I didn't put it facing the mirror on the counter, but when I went to take the coffee from the coffee maker, it was staring itself from the mirror. And I swear I could hear it say: I am Manna.

I have to say that I wasn't afraid of going to sleep that night as I did think it is a kind little fella, but nevertheless I did sleep very light and I think I heard someone talk with my cats that night.


Next morning it was still in the same place, same position. I gave it some CPR and TLC and now I think it's at least ten times better than it was before. I'll show you the improved Mana some day. It is really adorable and has turned out to be really helpful and fun.

And even though it can't smile so that I could see it, I think it is smiling inside when it comes to me and says:

I am Mana!


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