Manifestchallenge, Day 1 - I have a dream. Or do I?

So far in my short life of 19 years I've had many dreams but also many of them were only temporary. Sometime ago I wanted to be a poker professional but I failed and lost the interest on it (I didn't lose money for I started from freerolls and I actually made some profit that I have now invested in crypto). I also dreamt about getting into the Hearthstone (a digital strategy card collecting game) championships about a year ago, and I actually almost got into the European Preliminaries. But then I burnt out to the grind that it takes to constantly get into the top 100 players to get the so important points, and I stopped playing it for half a year (I just actually made a comeback into Hearthstone inspired by a friend I met in the civil service center on my education period who also plays it).

But those things weren't useless for they were (and are) part of my ongoing exploration of life that I'm now going to continue with this challenge kept by @arbitrarykitten in which I'm going to try to point down more long lasting goal(s) in which I would be ready to put the effort. The more I explore the closer to I can figure the things that keep me going.

Why now?

I'm doing my civil service in Finland at the moment and I have over 10 months of work service ahead and I thought during that time would be a good time to do some thinking concerning my future so this challenge came at the perfect time for me.

My becoming career has always been a mystery for I consider myself a "jack of all trades" (and a master of none) as I easily get bored if I spend too much time dedicated to one thing. So what I've learned is I need some balance in my life; I can't be relying on one thing or otherwise I'm going to get burnt out.


There's nothing wrong with being one in my opininion but it can create problems when trying to choose a career and I always get bothered when my mom and her parents keep asking me where I'm heading after high school, or now after my civil service. And it's always the same answer: I don't know.

The fact I don't know doesn't actually bother me that much. But I'm almost starting to believe it should because the relatives don't really think much else about me (well, maybe they do but that's the thing they mostly talk about with me).

And sure it's important, but my perception on life might be different from theirs since I don't give so much emphasis on getting a degree and a job ect.; I'm trying to figure it all out rather than just going through the motions.

What to expect?

I hope I would get closer figuring out whether I should go to University or University of applied sciences or something completely different, though I doubt I will find a concrete answer for this but it's worth a try. I'm also going to ponder on my personal goals and trying to figure out some things I would like to do in my life or achieve whether it's a small or a big thing.

So, this was just an quick look on what's going to be ahead. I'll post on as many days as I can. If I don't feel like having enough material on making a post I'll just comment my progress on arbitrarykitten's #manifestchallenge post of the day.

In the end I want to give a big thank you to @arbitrarykitten for creating this experimental community challenge.

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