Mannequin Challenge at Espacio Bitcoin

Last week we did a Mannequin Challenge at Espacio Bitcoin Buenos Aires. Here you can see the video that was shot then.

A Mannequin Challenge is a viral video trend on the Internet. It means that people freeze in a position as if they were mannequins. Then someone goes around with a camera to document this "human sculpture".

It was a lot of fun - hard work though, as one had to stand still for quite some time. You can find me several times in this video, my favourite scene is at the table football, having scored a goal. Great camera and editing by Nicolás Fedor Sulcic!

If you google Mannequin Challenge you will find many of those videos. There is even one shot in the White House with President Obama.

Like many trends in popular culture, also this one was originally started by German techno godfathers Kraftwerk. They already acted as showroom dummies back in 1977.

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