Boy With Rare Cancer Makes Miracle Recovery After His Mom Gave Him Cannabis

Deryn Blackwell is a 13-year-old child who had been diagnosed with Leukaemia and Langerhans cell sarcoma a few years ago. It's very rare to have the two cancers together and Blackwell underwent years of hospital treatment to try and remedy the problem.

As the illness progressed, Deryn was in excruciating pain and allegedly became addicted to morphine and yet he was still suffering a lot of the time his mom says. This prompted her to get on the internet and start looking for possible alternative options out there that might be able to help him.

At first, his mother asked the doctor about a drug called Bedrocan which is supposed to be a cannabis-based painkiller option. But the doctor allegedly told the mother that because there hadn't been any official trials with that drug where it had been tested on children, that she couldn't prescribe it.

Back to the morphine!

His mother then decided that she was going to try and get her son cannabis to try. They risked jail time in order to try and acquire the cannabis for their son. She says she was also worried about the possibility of the state taking away her child because she was making the decision to give him cannabis, so the husband took responsibility for the operation.

The parents gave their son a vape pen in order to take the cannabis while he was allegedly still in his hospital bed. After a few minutes of administering the cannabis, Deryn said he felt a little more relaxed and that the pain had relatively subsided.

The illness then proceeded to get worse however, and Deryn was subsequently moved to a hospice and he even started planning a funeral for himself. Deryn's mother says that one night he asked her to try and end his life for him because he couldn't take it any longer and he didn't want any more morphine.

His mother then had the thought to administer the cannabis oil directly to him orally, without using any vape pen.

In the next coming days, his mother was ready to administer the oil to him any time he had any sort of flare-up, so that he could try and get some remedy from the suffering as his health declined.

Deryn slowly started to see improvement and somehow miracously showed signs that he had overcome three serious infections, all without a properly functioning immune system. Deryn was told that he didn't have long to live, that his illness was terminal. And yet he's still alive today and he has made a miracle recovery.

Deryn is now 17 years old and he has plans to pursue a career as a vegan chef.

The doctors caution anyone to believe that cannabis had something to do with his recovery, but still many people are finding it hard to ignore the results. And his mother wants to share his story with the world so that others might be able to be helped or saved in the future.

His mother wrote a book about her experience with his recovery and it's called The Boy In 7 Billion.

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The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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