Cinex - Grown by Tokeland - The 6 Dollar Gram!

I know what your thinking, $6 gram must be crap right? Well I have to say I was actually surprised by this one. After smoking on it I truly think it is it going to give a run on the average 12 dollar gram.

So with that said lets get into it,
Todays review is Cinex and is grown by Tokeland Products LLC.

Now there are a lot of arguments about if its spelled cynex or cinex. The bag I bought says cinex so that is what I'm going to call it.

This was a sativa strain but it kind of reminds me of a highbred, I got a bit of that indica buzz with the high. It was rated in at 19.5% THC, not to bad considering the price. The package does not have CBD% or THC-a%, it would be nice if they supplied that information. It does show total THC at least.

Packaging was nothing special, like most of the budget grams it comes in a little black extra thick zip-lock bag with a small window so you can look at what's inside. The packaging I would give a 2 out of 10 but if getting my gram in a plastic bag saves me half the money I'm all for it. I throw the package away once it is smoked anyways.

As for the taste I would give it a 7 outa 10. It's nothing super special but I have bought a lot of $12 grams that taste worse. If you like a sativa taste with a little bit of honey and maybe just a little of that Indica cheesiness on the exhale then this is worth checking out.

The high I would say is uplifting and a little relaxing with a pleasant euphoria, not something that makes you want to zone out on T.V. but more of something that gets you moving and wanting to work on a project. It did not take long to start feeling the effects, 2-4min and I was already feeling it. The high lasted well too, not something you smoke and 20 min later start sobering up. The high I have to give 7.5-8 out of 10.

Price, come on that's a give in. Its great, easily a 9 out of 10! I usually have to pay 9-12 for a gram of the same quality. This is six bucks out the door tax included.

All in all I would give this gram a 8 out of 10 overall. I will be buying again.

I picked up this gram at my local Pot store. Here is a link to their site if you want to see if they are close to you and maybe pick up a $6 dollar gram yourself. They have an awesome staff and are always willing to help.

Time for me to go taste another, I will post about it soon.

Cheers all and thanks for checking out the first in many to come reviews on strains of weed sold and grown in Washington state!


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