Mark Lyford Actually is a Fraudster

short story, Mark Lyford defrauded me out of $30.000.00, he used my funds as an investment & even issued bogus profit statements where he claimed to have grown my funds to 51k, he will not repay me nor even engage with me, I am happy to discuss this situation with him on these pages, at the same time as he defrauded me he also "took" 750k from other investors, yes you read that right 750k GBP, around $1m at todays rate, he offered some investors shares in another scam called Entrepreneur Action which he has now abandoned, there are many folks who have been defrauded by Marky boy & they ave not been repaid, so, now he is running on Steem (no pun intended), I am posting this in the hope that other innocents can protect themselves, do not under any circumstances give Mark Lyford any money or anything of value, you will not see it or him again,
I am in touch daily with several individuals who do hard & dangerous work day in day out to make a living, he relived them of more than 100k GBP, he will not repay them nor engage them,
why am I on here?, Lyford blocked me on facebook, blocked me via 'phone, blocked me on twitter,so on & so on, I am happy to engage with one one on here that would like to hear my story or who even wants to challenge me, especially Mark Lyford, say, do I get paid for this?, thanks,Phil Winfield

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