Let’s start trading on Steemit's own internal market!



Today I am going to introduce a function on Steemit that we may always use but not fully utilized - Internal market. You may have already used the internal market to trade your SBDs for STEEM to power up, but you may not have noticed that the internal market has


How awesome! It’s like a gospel to traders. You can save a considerable amount of trading fees and get much more profit if you are a frequent trader.

You can simply click “Market” in your own wallet to enter the internal market. So convenient.



The spread is so small too that it is very easy for you to earn a profit here. As you can see, one of the most popular exchanges, the USDT market of Bittrex generally has a % spread with more than 0.5%. Moreover, you have to pay 0.25% transaction fee for each trade on Bittrex. The interface of the internal market also looks neat and clean, not hard to figure out how it works even if you are a newbie in trading.

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You can view the buy and sell orders here, the amount and the orders that are recently filled here.


This is the screenshot of one of my trades and I earned 1.5% in 30 minutes. Yes, the amount of money earned here may not be significant, but actually its % return is very sound. Well, at least it's much more than the interest rate that you can earn by putting your money in your bank account, and it's just one single trade done within an hour! Just imagine how many trades you can do in a day!

The only problems here may be the market depth, volume and liquidity, but I can tell that the volume is increasing too! And these problems can be alleviated or even solved if you start trading here too! It may even become one of the reasons that people want to hold STEEM, for trading!


Indeed, STEEM did not rise drastically like what Bitcoin did, but STEEM has been trading within this range for the last three months. You can still make use of this pattern to make some money, and now with STEEM under $1, it seems like that it is a good chance to BUY!!!!

I know that not all people here have experience in trading cryptocurrency, but I think Steemit internal market is a really good place for beginners to start learning trading. Why don't give it a try if it is so easy and convenient, and it is FUN!!! In fact, I am trading in the internal market almost every day now. Let's go! Don't miss out this great feature on this incredible platform!



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