Market Friday: Council's Bottomless Pit

Just at the south end of town you will find what almost looks the place where 2 U-Hauls collided. There are random objects strewn all about the yard but no tire tracks on the road... Oh, and there IS a sign! It is a BUSINESS! One of my favorites, actually. "Junktique" kind of place, with things you will likely never see anywhere else.

The Bottomless Pit


The first time I stopped here I became mesmerized by the pile of rocks, front and center as you drive by. They are not actually for sale but they are sure pretty. Chatting with the owner that day I got the full run down on where every rock came from lol! No, these are not for sale, they are his babies.

Pet Rocks


There are LOTS of interesting things that are for sale though! At first glance it may seem like a standard yard sale. If you are Jonesing for knick-knacks, they have you covered.

Random Dishware Everywhere


More careful inspection reveals some really unique items. Seriously, if you were cherrying out a car like this, how would you like to stumble across this door - window still working? When I saw this, I thought immediately of @edthecanadian and stopped to grab a picture for him.

Ed, This One's For You!


When the lady saw me admiring the door, she said "Oh, come with me!" Truly, I had never seen anything like this!

Ed, This One's For You Too!


It is a fun place to poke around, although I confess I rarely find anything I actually want to buy. At least they have "guy stuff" though, so @longsilver and I can both entertain ourselves!

The Men's Department


Not only had I never seen anything like this before, I am not sure this is really a good idea. I am sure when it was new the proud owner thought it was the cat's meow, but... really? Electric and wood in one stove? What could possibly go wrong...?

A New Meaning For "Hot Wired."


OK, enough guy stuff, lets find something to make @dswigle smile... Into the girly barn!

Meh... Pretty Standard Junk Selection


I got a phone call before I could get into the "main" store building and had to run. I was sort of bumming, where was my "punchline" picture?! I asked the woman working there "What is the funniest thing here?" and she walked me back over by the wing-hood. I can't believe I missed it earlier, losing my eye for shopping it seems! I thanked her, told her it was perfect, took my picture and got on about my errands. Admit it, you know you want it just so you can say you have it...

This One Is For You Denise!

REAL porcelain, baby!!!

The STEEM Engine


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