Market Friday - I just want a coffee!

Right. We're out of coffee. Let that sentence roll around in your mind for a moment. Did you hear what I said? I don't think you understand, so I'll rephrase it for you.


Now this brings up an interesting dilemna. You guys know my aversion to shopping right? It's not just that Cathy won't allow me, there are legal reasons as well. I'm not supposed to talk about it - that was part of the court settlement, but I will say this...

Ever since the great Twinkie avalanche of 2014 there are several stores from which I have been banned for life. What the hell, I spilled this much, I'll just add what our friend Betty who works at the supermarket told us... Apparently they still bring out that security tape at company parties and the entire room will stop to watch. They replay it in slow-motion. I was the star of course...

First, the strap of my camera bag gets snagged on a large display of Twinkies at the end of an aisle. I pull away, causing the display to tip over and dozens of packages spill across the floor. I then slip, falling backwards into a wall of Campbell's soup cans which crumbles like one of those old buildings being demolished on the 11 o'clock news. For a moment it looks as though the carnage will end, but then a final shelf collapses and takes out another display - hundreds of jars of pickles which explode across the tiled floor. Sister Mary-Angela picked the absolute worst moment to come around the corner leading that little class of first-graders...

When the dust settled and the police and paramedics left the scene the store told me I was persona non-gratta for life. Betty says that upper management at the store gave serious consideration to closing aisle five forever... At least nobody was injured. But I digress.

We're out of coffee.

Let me explain a couple of things now:

  • Cathy is not going to a grocery store at 7:00 AM (and I legally cannot come within 500 metres...)
  • I'm NOT drinking tea
  • I will go to the square and pay two bucks for a coffee at the variety store. Budget be damned, we're talking a basic necessity of life here.

Anouk and his son Sahil are outside the variety store. We chat for a moment. Anouk says he's tired from working two jobs but he is always happy.

I have no time for this nonsense, I'm heading straight in.

Typical little store. It's very hot - the air is off because of construction work. Something about the electric system.
I take a couple of quick shots...

Lazy Joe from next door Lazy Joe's Vinyl comes in with Anouk. They've both seen my camera and Joe wants to know if I actually have film in it. They ask to pose for me...

This part of the store is being renovated. Anouk waves his arms around as he points out where the new shelves will go. I'm going to scream if I don't get coffee soon! (but I can quit any time I want, hehe!)


Sahil shows me that the cookies I like have come in. I only have two bucks. Are they free today I ask? Apparently not!

On the way home, I stop to take some shots of flowers. As Denise says "Always flowers."

Denise is one of my very best friends online. She knows this quite well, but in case she ever wondered why I don't often post in #MarketFriday... the judge made me promise to always let Cathy do the shopping! He was quite insistent actually. No kidding!

#MarketFriday is the creation of @dswigle and you simply MUST go read her post, here:

It would be way cool if you checked out my recent posts!
* Houseboats for Monomad
* Two Gates for #GateThursday
* Shadow Photo Contest Round 30 - textured wood shadows ~ The Boardwalk
* I Hope You're Not Planning To Steal That Bike!
* Mule Deer, Baby Osprey, Howitzers and West Coast Baseball.... Must be TreeTuesday!

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