Buy Beyond Organic Eggs with Steem or SBD

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Egg Market

Today is Market Friday initiated by the lovely Denise @dswigle. Follow the tag #marketfriday and it will take you around the world to wonderful shopping opportunities.

Today, I am going to take you to San Diego.

San Diegans! Pay attention!!

I am going to take you to my very own egg market in my backyard.

Today, I was thinking about Steem and how many people are saying that the real value of a crypto is its usefulness. And I have lots of eggs. Put the two together - and an idea was born.

Will Sell Eggs for Steem!!

I used to sell my eggs for US $ 8 per dozen. That might seem like a lot for some, but it is a going price in this area for way beyond organic eggs like mine. To tell you the truth, that is basically just my break-even point.

I feed my girls well. Everything they are eating is sourced from organic sources, including my garden and the bugs they find.

A long time ago, I decided if I can't sell them for that price, I rather give them away as special presents. But for the Steem Community, I am going to break my own rule in a major way.

Get this!

1 Dozen beyond organic eggs for 2 Steem or 3 SBD

That, my friends, is a bargain!

*Details for the San Diego crew at the bottom of this post.

The Chickens

Let me show you the Egg Market 😄

As many of you know, I have a flock of backyard chickens. I don't know what possessed me, but for some reason, I decided to show off my girls (and boy) in a daily chicken picture. If you follow me, you already have met a few of the flock.

Here is one


Wait - that is a funny looking chicken!!!

That is actually the egg stealer - not one of the egg layers.

Here is one of the egg layers in front of their roost.


The girls are being watched over by the best rooster ever - Dan, the man. He is gentle and has never attacked a human. But he watches out for the girls, calls them when there is something good to eat - and, he fertilizes the eggs.

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Some say that fertile eggs are higher in nutrition. But I am not a nutritionist and it is up to you to research it. But don't worry, you won't find little chicks in the eggs. They only start developing when a hen decides to sit on them - for three weeks straight.

The girls lay the eggs in nesting boxes that are filled with rice hulls or wood shavings - whatever I have on hand.

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As you can see, I mix herbs in with their bedding which keeps unwanted insects, such as mites, away. I collect those eggs every day - and if it is hot outside, several times a day to get them out of the heat.

I feed the chickens an organic grain and seed mix I make myself. Sometimes, I have excellent help to mix the batch up.


This is my very best helper. We wear masks when mixing since I grind the peas - a source of protein for them - and it gets a bit dusty. The mix usually includes wheat, milo, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, oats, barley, sorghum and whatever other grain or seed is on sale. Sometimes I give them corn, but no soy.

The grain I get either through a co-op purchase from Modesto Milling or I order it from Azure Standard. If you are in the US, you might want to check them out. It is also a co-op of sorts.

If I don't have time to mix or too many items are not available, I feed them layer crumbles and scratch from Modesto Milling. I never add fishmeal for protein. A lot of people do that because it is cheaper. I don't.

The flock has free access to a mineral supplement and to kelp. Of course, oyster shells and rocks for their gizzards are also always available.


Here they are, pecking at their food and Dan is standing watch!

Besides the grain, they get lots of greens - some are growing in their deep mulch enclosure, in cages protected from their destruction, but available to snack from. They also get wheelbarrows full of weeds, grape cuttings and all kinds of other vegetation.

They have their very own compost pile in the chicken yard. The girls love to scratch in it for worms and all kinds of bugs.


Once upon a time, the flock was free-ranging all over the yard. That resulted in chicken poop everywhere and in destroyed garden spaces. Now, we compromise. I made their chicken yard as interesting as possible with shade trees, things to hide under and things to climb up on. And, when I have time, they get to forage all over the yard with supervision.

The Eggs

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Since I have a mixed flock of all ages and sizes, the eggs come in various colors and sizes as well. For the most part, I use recycled egg cartons.

Here is a closer look at the eggs.

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Each dozen will have big and smaller ones in it. Let me give you a warning now. If you ever had eggs from happy chickens - you will never be able to go back to what you can buy in a store. There is a world of difference!

Before I get into the details on how to buy the eggs, here is something cute to look at.


*How to Buy the Eggs

This will only be of interest to you if you live in San Diego - From East San Diego, College Area (SDSU), La Mesa, Lemon Grove to Spring Valley. Or if you come to the San Diego Steemit Meetups.

  • Dm me on Discord or leave a comment on a recent post that you are interested in eggs.
  • My discord name is also Mariannewest
  • I will let you know how much I have available.
  • You transfer either 2 Steem or 3 SBD into my wallet.
  • I DM you my address on Discord or we communicate via email.
  • You pick up your eggs and if you want, you can have some collards for free (if I have them which I usually do)
  • Please bring as many egg cartons as you can for future use.
  • Return the one you got the next time.

Yay - another business that accepts Steem 👍

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

Ulog 19 - Not pronouncing U


Ulog 18 - My Personal Independence Day

Ulog 17 - Chicken got Out

State of Emergency - Freewrite

Day 257 -Daily Prompt

A Rant about Ornate Language - Freewrite

The Stories of Three Random Items

The Pastor - Weekend Freewrite

Ulog 16- Dinner Out

While in the Garden


If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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