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Bet you are all wondering what a Big Bad Willy is. :) When I first saw the sign, all kinds of silly things came to my mind, then I remembered that this little shop has the most awesome home tossed pizza within 50 miles. Ah yes, the pizza wars. I remember when Bill opened this little self serve, convience store many years ago. He was injured in a sawmill acccident and was no longer able to work at the mill. He opened this little shop and beleive me, it has been a blessing in the community for many years.

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The aisle are full of snacks, beer and regular grocery items. They sell fishing and hunting licenses, and Bill has even established a small pawn shop, as well as supplies for hunting and fishing. I have never been impressed by all the animal heads hanging off the walls, but when you live in a community where hunting is the macho thing to do, you get used to it I reckon. I must say I do enjoy eating deer, elk, and moose, but haven't the heart to do the deed myself. Those bambi eyes get me every time.

The local boys meet every day at the snack counter and solve world problems and share their philospophy on life. They are a great bunch.

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This concludes my little tour of a shop in a town of less than 700 people. Thank you @dswigle for hosting this weekly event. Hope you had an awesome vacation. Looking forward to seeing all the other entries as well. Have a great Weekend @everyone.

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