Market Friday - Lucky Charm

This is my Share for #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle

Due to the long Holiday vacation I was finally able to join my wife in the market once again. I love going to the market when given the chance as there is so much out there to share about culture and the way of life in our country.

This is the Early New Year Market day.


Upon reaching the gates of the market I noticed this at the corner of my eye. We simply passed it by but after taking a couple of steps I told my wife "hold on let me check on something". We went back at the gate and asked what it was. It was a New Year Charm sold for .50 cents. It was made from dried rice plant and made to look like a broom. It is supposed to be hanged on your door to sweep inside all the luck as the New Year comes in.

Well what the heck let's buy one it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot lol.



Originally I was planning to buy fireworks for the New Year celebration but couldn't find any at this time. Normally you would find them all lined up on the streets as early as now. I was told that there has been changes that there is only a particular place in the city where you could fire up your fireworks. Maybe the vendors are a bit hesitant if it would still be profitable to sell fireworks. I am still hopeful and still check tomorrow if we could find them.

Instead there are a lot of trumpets being sold in place of the fireworks. Different colors, different shapes and safer to celebrate with during New Year.




We move on and wanted to buy a traditional clay pot called Palayok. This has been used by our ancestors as a traditional way to cook food. I always wanted to try cooking in a Palayok. I'm getting this pot and there is no one to stop me.


Various cooking and kitchen tools are also found at a very affordable price. I was also looking for a traditional laddle in our terms called Sandok. It is made from dried coconut shells and looks very exotic which also can be used as a decoration. Hopefully I would be able to find one in the future.



Time to buy some fruits. In every Filipino home round fruits on the dining table is a must. If you could get your hands on 12 kinds of round fruits your upcoming year will be plentiful. So get your 12 kinds of round fruits on the table to start the year right as the elders would say.

Well the onion and the corn is not a fruit so you could just skip that. I just included it because it looked nice lol.









First time I've seen a plum in our market and never tasted one yet. So we bought a couple just to know how it tasted. Also I love that color.


Kiwi's are also imported from a different country and I love kiwi. We also got a couple to add to our table.


I think we did not get all the 12 as our budget is getting depleted for this market day. We got 8 out of 12 which is not bad. That would be good for 8 plentiful months. Maybe next year we would get all the 12 fruits. No specific fruit it just needs to be round.


Time to get some flowers to decorate the table. We have a lot of lovely flowers on this market and I don't know what they are called. They just look nice and some smells good. That is good enough for me. My aunt though may know their names as she loves plants and flowers a lot.






I think that wraps up our market day. Hope I could join again soon if time permits as this is a really fun challenge. Now to get that lucky charm hanged up the door. Hopefully it would bring in some luck for us.


Please vote @steemgigs as witness and help support @surpassinggoogle

Also thanks to @bayanihan where the impossible becomes possible thru unity.

Taken with Lumix GX85

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