How to invite influencers on the platform and how I got Max Keiser on

by @cryptoctopus

This is the process I used to get the attention of @max-keiser (yes...he has an account on steemit)

This is kind of a case study for people interested in the science and art of #marketing. Hopefully this can help the other promoters who are looking to get the attention of people who have a lot of reach in the whatever end you are looking to accomplish

1. Write an article about them

I wrote an article a month ago about how @max-keiser had a big part to play in my personal transformation. This is the article if you are curious.

Now, I didn't lie or deceive. I was genuine about how his content shaped the way I see the world.

2. Tweet/Retweet and Tag

So, hopefully, the person you want to get the attention of is paying attention to their brand and what people write about them. If not, it's going to be an uphill battle. Max Keiser and his wife Stacy are very attentive to their brand.

So when I wrote this tweet:
"How @maxkeiser Changed My Life #gratitude #life @stacyherbert @cryptoctopus/how-max-keiser-changed-my-life"

He and Stacy then retweeted to all of their followers and he proceeded to follow me.

3. Private Message

Now that he know who I was. Or at least that I was someone who appreciated him. I moved forward with an invitation:

4. Wait for something to happen

Ok, at this point, there was no way to know what would happen. But MIRACLE, he did respond to the invitation.
See the tread here @wmougayar/hi-im-william-mougayar-from-toronto-canada#@max-keiser/re-cryptoctopus-re-wmougayar-re-cryptoctopus-re-wmougayar-hi-im-william-mougayar-from-toronto-canada-20160609t171317814z

5. Follow Up

I didn't have any news after a month so I went ahead and realize he had money sitting in his account. So I followed up with him. He seemed pretty happy about it. I then proceeded to suggest reading the Steemit's Evil Plan for Cryptocurrency World Domination by @dan .

Future will tell

In any case, I'm pretty happy to be in contact with him via twitter. Whether or not anything comes out of it is to be seen but it's been a great learning experience.

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